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ouer the night, and to diuide the light from the darkeneſſe: and God ſaw that it was good.

19 And the euening and the morning were the fourth day.

20 And God ſaid, ** 4. Eſdr. 6. 47. Let the waters bring foorth aboundantly the ǁǁ Or, creeping. mouing creature that hath †Heb. ſoule. life, and foule that may flie aboue the earth in the †Heb. face of the firmament of heauen. open firmament of heauen.

21 And God created great whales, and euery liuing creature that moueth, which the waters brought forth aboundantly after their kinde, and euery winged foule after his kinde: and God ſaw that it was good.

22 And God bleſſed them, ſaying, ** Chap. 8. 17. and 9. 1. Be fruitfull, and multiply, and fill the waters in the Seas, and let foule multiply in the earth.

23 And the euening and the morning were the fift day.

24 ¶ And God ſaid, Let the earth bring forth the liuing creature after his kinde, cattell, and creeping thing, and beaſt of the earth after his kinde: and it was ſo.

25 And God made the beaſt of the earth after his kinde, and cattell after their kinde, and euery thing that creepeth vpon the earth, after his kinde: and God ſaw that it was good.

26 ¶ And God ſaid, ** Chap. 5. 1. and 9. 6. 1. corin. 11. 7. epheſ. 4. 14. col. 3. 10. Let vs make man in our Image, after our likeneſſe: and let them haue dominion ouer the fiſh of the ſea, and ouer the foule of the aire, and ouer the cattell, and ouer all the earth, and ouer euery creeping thing that creepeth vpon the earth.

27 So God created man in his owne Image, in the Image of God created hee him; ** Matth. 19 4. wiſd. 2. 23. male and female created hee them.

28 And God bleſſed them, and God ſaid vnto them, ** Chap. 9. 1. Be fruitfull, and multiply, and repleniſh the earth, and ſubdue it, and haue dominion ouer the fiſh of the ſea, and ouer the foule of the aire, and ouer euery liuing thing that †Heb. creepeth. mooueth vpon the earth.

29 ¶ And God ſaid, Behold, I haue giuen you euery herbe †Hebr. ſeeding ſeed. bearing ſeede, which is vpon the face of all the earth, and euery tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yeelding ſeed, ** Chap. 9. 3. to you it ſhall be for meat:

30 And to euery beaſt of the earth, and to euery foule of the aire, and to euery thing that creepeth vpon the earth, wherein there isHebr. a liuing ſoule. life, I haue giuen euery greene herbe for meat: and it was ſo.

31 And ** Ecclus. 39 16. God ſaw euery thing that hee had made: and behold, it was very good. And the euening and the morning were the ſixth day.


1 The firſt Sabbath. 4 The maner of the creation. 8 The planting of the garden of Eden, 10 and the riuer thereof. 17 The tree of knowledge onely forbidden. 19. 20 The naming of the creatures. 21 The making of woman, and inſtitution of Mariage.

THus the heauens and the earth were finiſhed, and all the hoſte of them.

2 ** Exod. 20. 11. and 31. 17. deut. 5. 14. hebr. 4. 4. And on the ſeuenth day God ended his worke, which hee had made: And he reſted on the ſeuenth day from all his worke, which he had made.

3 And God bleſſed the ſeuenth day, and ſanctified it: becauſe that in it he had reſted from all his worke, which God †Heb. created to make. created and made.

4 ¶ Theſe are the generations of the heauens, ⁊ of the earth, when they were created; in the day that the LORD God made the earth, and the heauens,

5 And euery plant of the field, before it was in the earth, and euery herbe of the field, before it grew: for the LORD God had not cauſed it to raine vpon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

6 ǁǁOr, a miſt which went up from &c.But there went vp a miſt from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

7 And the LORD God formed man †Heb. duſt of the ground. ** 1. Cor. 15 47. of the duſt of the ground, ⁊ breathed into his noſtrils the breath of life, and ** 1. Corin. 15. 45. man became a liuing ſoule.

8 ¶ And the LORD God planted a garden Eaſtward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.

9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow euery tree that is pleaſant to the ſight, and good for food: the tree of life alſo in the midſt of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and euill.

10 And a riuer went out of Eden to water the garden, and from thence it was parted, and became into foure heads.

11 The name of the firſt is ** Ecclus. 24. 29. Piſon: that is it which compaſſeth the whole land of Hauilah, where there is gold.