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PHalleluiah. Raiſe ye the LORD. Praiſe God in his Sanctuarie: Praiſe him in the firmament of his power.

2 Praiſe him for his mightie actes: Praiſe him according to his excellent greatneſſe.

3 Praiſe him with the ſound of the ǁǁ Or, Cornet. Trumpet: Prayſe him with the Pſalterie and Harpe.

4 Praiſe him with the timbrell and ǁǁ Or, Pipe. dance: praiſe him with ſtringed inſtruments, and Organes.

5 Praiſe him upon the loud cymbals: praiſe him upon the high ſounding cymbals.

6 Let euery thing that hath breath, praiſe the LORD. Praiſe yee the LORD.



1 The vſe of the Prouerbes. 7 An exhortation to feare God and beleeue his word. 10 To auoyd the intiſings of ſinners. 20 Wiſdome complaineth of her contempt. 24 She threatneth her contemners.

THE Prouerbes of Solomon the ſonne of Dauid, King of Iſrael,

2 To knowe wiſedome and inſtruction, to perceiue the words of vnderſtanding,

3 To receiue the inſtruction of wiſedome, inſtice, and iudgement ⁊ †Hebr. equities. equitie,

4 To giue ſubtiltie to the ſimple, to the yong man knowledge and ǁǁ Or, aduiſement diſcretion.

5 A wiſe man wil heare, and wil increaſe learning: and a man of vnderſtanding ſhall attaine vnto wiſe counſels:

6To vnderſtand a prouerbe, and ǁǁ Or, an eloquent ſpeach. the interpretation; the wordes of the wiſe, and their darke ſayings.

7 ¶ ** Iob 28.28. pſal 111.10 prou.9.10. The feare of the Lord is ǁǁ Or, the principall part. the beginning of knowledge: but fooles deſpiſe wiſedome and inſtruction.

8 My ſonne, heare the inſtruction of thy father, and forſake not the law of thy mother.

9 For they shall beHebr. an adding. an ornament of grace vnto thy head, and chaines about thy necke.

10 ¶ My ſonne, if ſinners entiſe thee, conſent thou not.

11 If they ſay, Come with us, let vs lay wait for blood, let vs lurke priuily for the innocent without cauſe:

12 Let vs ſwallow them vp alive, as the graue, and whole, as thoſe that goe downe into the pit:

13 Wee ſhall finde all precious ſubſtance, wee ſhall fill our houſes with ſpoile:

14 Caſt in thy lot among vs, let vs all haue one purſe:

15 My ſonne, walke not thou in the way with them; refraine thy foot from their path:

16 ** Iſa.59.7. rom.3.15. For their feete runne to euil, and make haſte to ſhed blood.

17 Surely in vaine the net is ſpread †Hebr. is the eyes of euery thing that hath a wing. in the ſight of any bird.

18 And they lay wait for their owne blood, they lurke priuily for their owne liues.

19 So are the waies of euery one that is greedie of gaine: which taketh away the life of the owners thereof.

20 ¶ †Hebr. wiſedomes, that is, excellent wiſedome. Wiſedome crieth without, ſhe ** Prou.8.1. vttereth her voice in the ſtreets:

21 Shee crieth in the chiefe place of concourſe, in the openings of the gates: in the city ſhe vttereth her wordes, ſaying,

22 How long, ye ſimple ones, will ye loue ſimplicitie? and the ſcorners delight in their ſcorning, and fooles hate knowledge?

23 Turne you at my reproofe: behold, I will powre out my ſpirit vnto