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wards him lying in priſon, not ſo much for the ſupply of his owne wants, as for the grace of God in them. 19 And ſo he concludeth with prayer and ſalutations.

THerefore, my brethren, dearely beloued and longed for, my ioy and crowne, ſo ſtand faſt in the Lord, my dearely beloued.

2 I beſeech Euodias, and beſeech Syntiche, that they be of the ſame mind in the Lord.

3 And I entreat thee alſo, true yokefellow, helpe thoſe women which laboured with me in the Goſpel, with Clement alſo, and with other my fellow labourers, whoſe names are in the booke of life.

4 Reioyce in the Lord alway: and againe I ſay, Reioyce.

5 Let your moderation be knowen vnto all men. The Lord is at hand.

6 Bee carefull for nothing: but in euery thing by prayer and ſupplication with thankeſgiuing, let your requeſt be made knowen vnto God.

7 And the peace of God which paſſeth all vnderſtanding, ſhall keepe your hearts ⁊ minds through Chriſt Ieſus.

8 Finally, brethren, whatſoeuer things are true, whatſoeuer things are ǁǁ Or, venerable. honeſt, whatſoeuer things are iuſt, whatſoeuer things are pure, whatſoeuer things are louely, whatſoeuer things are of good report: if there bee any vertue, and if there bee any praiſe, thinke on theſe things:

9 Thoſe things which ye haue both learned and receiued, and heard, and ſeene in mee, doe: and the God of peace ſhall be with you.

10 But I reioyced in the Lorde greatly, that now at the laſt your care of me †Or, is reuiued. hath flouriſhed againe, wherein yee were alſo carefull, but ye lacked opportunitie.

11 Not that I ſpeake in reſpect of want: for I haue learned in whatſoeuer ſtate I am, therewith to bee content.

12 I know both how to bee abaſed, and I knowe how to abound: euerie where, and in all things I am inſtructed, both to bee full, and to be hungrie, both to abound, and to ſuffer need.

13 I can do all things through Chriſt, which ſtrengtheneth me.

14 Notwithſtanding, yee haue well done, that ye did communicate with my affliction.

15 Now ye Philippians know alſo, that in beginning of the Goſpel, when I departed from Macedonia, no Church communicated with mee, as concerning giuing and receiuing, but ye onely.

16 For euen in Theſſalonica, ye ſent once, and againe vnto my neceſſitie.

17 Not becauſe I deſire a gift: but I deſire fruit that may abound to your account.

18 But †Or, I haue receiued all. I haue all, and abound. I am full, hauing receiued of Epaphroditus the things which were ſent from you, an odour of a ſweet ſmell, a ſacrifice acceptable, well pleaſing to God.

19 But my God ſhall ſupply all your need, according to his riches in glory, by Chriſt Ieſus.

20 Now vnto God and our Father be glory for euer and euer. Amen.

21 Salute euery Saint in Chriſt Ieſus: the brethren which are with me, greet you.

22 All the Saints ſalute you, chiefly they that are of Ceſars houſhold.

23 The grace of our Lord Ieſus Chriſt be with you all. Amen.

¶ It was written to the Philippians from Rome, by Epaphroditus.