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The booke

man, there is none that can open. 15If he hold in the waters, al things shal be dried: and if he send them forth, they shal ouerthrow the earth. 16With him is strength and wisedom: he knoweth both the deceiuer, & him that is deceiued. 17He bringeth ∷[1] counselers to a folish end, and iudges to astonishment. 18He looseth the belt of kings, and girdeth their reines with a corde. 19He leadeth away Priestes without glorie, and supplanteth the great men. 20Changing the lippe of the true, and taking away the doctrine of the ancientes. 21He powreth out contempt vpon princes, releeuing them that had bene oppressed. 22Who reueleth profound things out of darkenesse, and bringeth forth the shadow of death into light. 23Who multiplieth nations, and destroyeth them, and restoreth the destroyed whole agayne. 24Who changeth the hart of the princes of the people of the earth, and deceiueth them, that they may goe in vayne where is no passage. 25They shal grope as in the darke, and not in the light, and he shal make them goe amis as druncken men.

Chap. XIII.

Of their owne wordes Iob confuteth his aduersaries, that they haue spoken that which they know not. 13. defendeth his owne innocencie. 22. desiring of God, if he be afflicted for secrete sinnes, that he may know them.

BEhold mine eie hath seene al these thinges, and mine eare hath heard, & I haue vnderstood euerie thing. 2According to your knowledge I also do know: neither am I inferiour to you. 3But yet I wil speake to the Omnipotent, and I couet to dispute with God. 4First shewing you to be forgers of lying, and mainteyners of peruerse opinions. 5And would God ye would hold your peace, that you might be thought to be wise men. 6Heare ye therfore my correptions, and attend the iudgement of my lippes. 7Hath God neede of your lye, that for him you speake guiles. 8Doe you take his person, and doe you endeuour ∷[2] to iudge for God? 9Or shal it please him from whom nothing can be concealed, or shal he be deceiued as a man, with your fraudulent dealings? 10He shal reproue you, because in secrete you take his person. 11Forthwith as he shal moue himself, he shal truble you: and his terrour shal come violently vpon you. 12Your memorie shal be compared to ashes, and your neckes shal be brought into clay. 13Hold your peace a litle while,


  1. Craftie plotters of devises at last by Gods iust punishement commit so great absurdites, that the meanest may see their follie.
  2. Iobs state of sinne or innocencie was best knowen to God, next to his owne conscience, not at al to his aduersaries, that presumed to iudge therof.