Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1100

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of Iob.

both old men and ancientes among vs, much elder then thy fathers. 11Is it a great matter that God should comforth thee: but thy naughtie wordes hinder it. 12Why doth thy hart eleuate thee, and as thinking great thinges, hast thou astonied eies. 13Why doeth thy spirit swel agaynst God, to vtter such wordes out of thy mouth. 14What is man, that he should be ∷[1] without spot, and that the borne of a woman should appeare ∷[2] iust? 15Behold among his sainctes none is immutable, and the heauens are not cleane in his sight. 16How much more is man abominable, and vnprofitable, who drinketh iniquitie as it were water? 17I wil shew thee, heare me: that which I haue seene I wil tel thee. 18Wisemen confesse and hide not their fathers. 19To whom onlie the earth was geuen, and stranger hath not passed by them. 20The impious is proud al his daies, and ∷[3] the number of the yeares of his tyrannie is vncertaine. 21The sound of terrour is alwaies in his eares: and when there is peace, he alwaies suspecteth treason. 22He beleueth not that he may returne from darkenesse to light, looking round about for the sword on euerie side. 23When he shal moue himself to seeke bread, he knoweth that the day of darkenesse is prepared in his hand. 24Tribulation shal terrifie him, and distresse shal compasse him, as a king that is prepared to battel. 25For he hath stretched his hand against God, and is strengthened against the Omnipotent. 26He hath runne against him with necke set vp right, and is armed with a fatte necke. 27Fatnesse hath couered his face, and from his sides there hangeth tallow. 28He hath dwelt in desolate cities, and in desert houses, that are brought into hillockes. 29He shal not be enriched, neither shal his substance continew, neither shal he put his roote in the earth. 30He shal not depart out of darkenes, the flame shal drie his boughes, and he shal be taken away with the spirit of his owne mouth. 31He shal not beleeue vainely deceiued with errour, that he may be redemed with anie price. 32Before his daies be accomplished, he shal perish: and his handes shal wither. 33His cluster in the first flower shal be hurt as a vine, and as the oliue tree casting his flower. 34For the congregation of the hypocrite is barren, and fire shal deuoure their tabernacles, which gladly take giftes. 35He conceiued sorow, and hath brought forth iniquitie, and his wombe preprareth guiles.


  1. It is a very rare priuilege to be without spot.
  2. But spot of venial sinnes may be in a iust man.
  3. Al these miseries are incident to the wicked, but are falsly applied to holie Iob, who in dede was iust.