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of Iob.

Chap. XVII.

For the greuousnes of his paine Iob expecteth speedie death, 4. chargeth his freindes with folie for holding only remuneration in this life. 6. himself hopeth happie rest in the other World.

MY spirit shal be extenuated, my daies shal be shortened, and the graue only remaineth for me. 2I haue ∷[1] not sinned, and mine eie abideth in bitternesse. 3Deliuer me, and set me beside thee, and let anie mans hand fight against me. 4Thou hast made their hart far from discipline, and therfore they shal not be exalted. 5He promiseth a praye to his felowes, and the eies of his children shal faile. 6He hath set me as it were for a prouerbe of the comon people, and I am an example before them. 7Mine eie is dimne for indignation, and my members are brought as it were to nothing. 8The iust shal be astonied vpon this, and the innocent shal be raised vp against the hypocrite. 9And the iust shal hold his way, and with cleane handes shal adde strength. 10Be al you therfore conuerted, and come, and I shal not finde among you anie wiseman. 11My daies haue passed, my cogitations are dissipated, tormenting my hart: 12Night they haue turned into day, and againe after darkenesse I hope for light. 13If I shal expect ∷[2] hel is my house, and in darkenesse I haue made my bed. 14I haue sayd to rottenes: Thou art my father, my mother, and my sister, to wormes. 15Where is now then my expectation, and my patience who considereth. 16Al my thinges shal descend into most deepe hel: there at the least, shal I haue rest thinkest thou?

Chap. XVIII.

Baldad setteth vpon Iob againe, chargeing him with present impatience, and former impietie, 6. and that therfore he suffereth worthie punishment.

BVt Baldad the Suhite answering, sayd: 2How long wil ∷[3] ye speake vaunting wordes? vnderstand ye first, and so let vs speake. 3Why are we reputed as beastes, and accounted vile before you? 4Which destroyest thy soule in thy furie, shal the earth be forsaken for thee, and shal rockes be transported out of their place? 5Shal not the light of the impious be extinguished, and the flame of his fire not shine? 6The light shal be darke in his tabernacle, and the candel that is


  1. Not hauing committed such sinnes as he was charged withal, in this duble bitternes of corporal paine and calumniation, his eye was stil vpon God, expecting to be deliuered
  2. This text sheweth euidently that there was a place of rest called hel.
  3. Baldad perceiuing Iob to speake confidently as the common doctrin of manie opposeth himself neuertheless against him and al that thinke as he doth, and so speaketh as to manie in the plural number, wil ye speake and of himselfe & his felowes: are we reputed &c. So holie Iob a figure of the Church defended the common cause, his aduersaries a figure of heretikes speaking some truthes mixed false thinges therwith. S. Greg. li. 14. c. 1.