Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1109

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The booke

me as gold that passeth through the fyre: 11My foote hath folowed his steppes, I haue kept his way, & haue not declined out if it. 12From the commandementes of his lippes I haue not departed, and I haue hid the wordes of his mouth in my bosome. 13For he is alone, and no man can turne away his cogitation: and whatsoeuer his soule would, that hath he done. 14And when he shal haue fulfilled his wil in me, manie other things also are at hand wit him. 15And therfore I am trubled at his face, and considering, him I am made pensife with feare. 16God hath mollified my hart, and the Omnipotent hath trubled me. 17For I haue not perished because of the imminent darkenesse, neither hath the mist couered my face.


God in his prouidence knoweth when he wil punish the wicked, which his true seruantes know not, much lesse the impious.

TImes are not hid from the Omnipotent: but they ∷[1] that know him, know not his daies. 2Some haue transferred boundes, spoiled flockes, & fed them. 3They haue driuen away the asse of pupilles, & haue taken away the widowes oxe for a pledge. 4They haue subuerted the way of the poore, and haue oppressed together the meeke of the earth. 5Others as wilde asses in the deserte goe forth to their worke: watching to the praye, doe prepare bread for their children. 6They reape the filde that is not theirs, and gather the grapes of his vineyard, whom by violence they haue oppressed. 7They send men away naked, taking away their clothes, which haue no couering in the cold. 8Whom the showers of the mountaynes doe wash, and not hauing a couert, they embrace stones. 9They did violence spoyling the pupilles, and the common poore people they spoyled. 10From the naked and them that goe without clothing, and the hungrie they haue taken away the eares of corne. 11They haue rested the noonetide among their heapes, which hauing troden the wine presses are a thirst. 12Out of the cities they haue made men to mourne, and the soule of the wounded hath cryed, and God doth not suffer it to passe vnreuenged: 13They haue bene ∷[2] rebellious to the light, they haue not knowen his wayes, neither did they returne by his pathes. 14At the verie breake of day the murderer ryseth, he killeth the needie, and the poore


  1. Gods seruantes know that he wil punish wickednes, but know not when: the wicked presume that he wil neuer punish them.
  2. Heretikes doing and teaching against their owne knowlege, are afterward striken with blindnes, that they can not see the truth S. Greg. li. 16. c. 26.