Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1111

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The booke

perhaps to him, that hath not wisdom, and ∷[1] thy prudence hast thou shewed very great. 4Whom wouldest thou teach? not him that made breath? 5Behold the ∷[2] gyantes grone vnder the waters, and they that dwel with them. 6Hel is naked before him, and there is no couert to perdition. 7Who stretcheth out the northwind ouer the vacant, and hangeth the earth vpon nothing. 8Who bindeth the waters in his cloudes, that they breake not forth together downeward. 9Who holdeth the countenance of his throne, and spreddeth his clowde ouer it. 10He hath made a limite about the waters, til light & darkenes be ended. 11The pillers of heauen tremble, and dread at his beck. 12In his strength sodenly the seas are gathered together, and with his wisdom he stroke the proud man. 13His spirite hath adorned the heauens, and his hand being the midwife, the ∷[3] winding serpent is brought forth. 14Loe, these things are sayd in part of his waies: and where as we haue heard scarce a litle droppe of his word, who shal be able to behold the thunder of his greatnes?

Chap. XXVII.

More and more Iob confirmeth his innocencie, auouching that God not presently iudging, 11. wil in time condemne the wicked.

IOb also added, taking his parable, and sayd: 2God liueth, who hath ∷[4] taken away my iudgement, and the Omnipotent, which hath brought my soule to bitternesse. 3That as long as breath remaineth in me, and the spirit of God in my nosthrels, 4My lippes shal not speake iniquitie, neither shal my tongue meditate ∷[5] lying. 5God forbid that I should iudge you to be iust: til I faile, I wil not departe from mine innocencie. 6My iustification which I haue begune to hold, I wil not forsake: for my hart doth not reprehend me in al my life. 7Let mine enemie be as the impious, and mine aduersarie as the wicked one. 8For what is the hypocrites hope if couetousely he take by violence, and God deliuer not his soule? 9Wil God heare his crie, when distresse shal come vpon him? 10Or can he be delighted in the Omnipotent, and inuocate God at al time? 11I wil teach you by the hand of God, what the Omnipotent hath, neither wil I hide it. 12Loe, you doe al knowe, and why speake you vaine thinges without cause. 13This is the portion of an impious man with God, and inheritance of the violent, which they shal receiue of the


  1. Neither is Baldads prudence able to helpe if there were nede:
  2. Giantes were not able to wade in Noes floud, but were drowned with the rest.
  3. Not only greate thinges before recited but also the very least are made by God, and depend vpon his prouidence.
  4. God would not as yet haue Iobs cause iudged, but reserued the sentence, for his greater trial in patience.
  5. It were a lie to acknowlege such sinnes has he had not committed.