Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1117

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The booke

mouth. 28Which is ∷[1] most great iniquitie, and a denial against God the most high? 29If I haue beene glad of his fal, that hated me, & haue reioysed that euil had found him. 30For I haue not geuen my throte to sinne, that cursing I wished his soule. 31If the men of my tabernacle haue not sayd: Who wil giue of his flesh that we may be filled? 32The stranger taried not without, my doore was open to the wayfaring man. 33If as man I haue hid my sinne, and haue concealed my iniquitie in my bosome. 34If I haue bene afrayd at a verie great multitude, & the contempt of kinsmen hath terrified me: and I haue not rather held my peace, & not gone out of the doore. 35Who wil grant me an hearer, that the Omnipotent would heare my desire: and that himself that iudgeth would write a booke. 36That I may carie it on my shoulder, and put it about me as a crowne? 37At euerie steppe of mine I wil pronounce it, and as to the prince I wil offer it. 38If my Land cry against me, and with it the furrowes therof lament: 39If I haue eaten the fruites therof without money, and haue afflicted the soule of the tillers therof. 40For wheate let the bryar grow to me, and for barlie the thorne.

[2] The wordes of Iob are ended.

Chap. XXXII.

Eliu a young man being angrie that Iob persisted in his opinion, and that his three freindes could not conuince him, 8. taketh vpon him to confute Iob which they could not do.

BVt these three men omitted to answer Iob, for that he seemed iust to himself. 2And ∷[3] Eliu the sonne of Barachel a Buzite, of the kinred of Ram, was angrie and tooke indignation: and he was angrie against Iob, for that he sayd himself to be iust before God. 3Moreouer against his freindes he had indignation, for that they had not found a reasonable answer, but onlie had condemned Iob. 4Therfore Eliu expected Iob speaking, because they were his elders that spake. 5But when he saw that the three were not able to answer, he was wrath excedingly. 6And Eliu the sonne of Barachel a Buzite answering, sayd: I am yonger in time, and you more ancient, therfore casting downe my head, I was afrayd to shewe you my sentence. 7For I hoped that longer age would speake, and that a multitude of yeares would teach wisdom. 8But as I see, there is a Spirite in men, and the


  1. By this demand he prouoked his aduersaries to produce what they could to conuince him of idolatrie or denying God wherwith they indirectly charged him.
  2. Iob disputed no more with his freindes: but afterward submitted him self to God, acknowledging some unaduised speach. c. 39. v. 37. c. 42. v. 3.
  3. This youngman wittie & lerned, but proud withal, was a figure of the hote and arrogant disputers wil seme to know more than their elders. S. Greg. li. 23. c. 2.