Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/1119

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The booke

waies. 12This therfore is it, wherein thou art not iustified: I wil answer thee, that God is greater then man. 13Doest thou contend against him because he hath not answered thee to al wordes? 14God ∷[1] speaketh once, and repeateth not the self-same the second time. 15By a dreame in a vision by night, when heauie sleep falleth vpon men, and they sleep in their bed. 16Then doth he open the eares of men, and teaching instructeth them with discipline, 17That he may turne a man from these things, which he doth, and may deliuer him from pride: 18Deliuering his soule from corruption: and his life, that it passe not vnto the sword. 19He rebuketh also by sorow in the bed, and he maketh al his bones to wither. 20Bread is become abominable to him in his life, and to his soule the meat before desired. 21His flesh shal consume, and the bones that had been couered, shal be made naked. 22His soule hath approched to corruption, and his life to things causing death. 23If there shal be an Angel speaking for him, one of thousands, to declare mans equitie. 24He shal haue mercie on him, and shal say: deliuer him, that he descend not into corruption: I haue found wherein I may be propitious to him. 25His flesh is consumed with punishments, let it returne to the daies of his youth. 26He shal beseech God, and he wil be pacified towards him: and he shal see his face in iubilation, and he wil render to a man his iustice. 27He shal behold men, and shal say: I haue sinned, and in deede I haue offended, and, as I was worthie, I haue not receiued. 28He hath deliuered his soule that it should not goe into death, but liuing should see the light. 29Behold, al these things doth God worke three times in euerie one. 30That he may reclame their soules from corruption, and illuminate them with the light of the liuing. 31Attend Iob, and heare me: and hold thy peace, whiles I speake. 32But if thou hast what to speake, answer me, speake: for I would thee to appeare iust 33And if thou haue not, heare me: hold thy peace, and I wil teach thee wisedom.


Againe Eliu chargeth Iob with blasphemie, and other crimes, 10. sheweth the equitie of Gods iudgement: 20. and that al thinges are subiect to Gods powre and knowlege.

ELiv therfore pronouncing, spake these wordes also. 2Heare ye wise men my wordes, and ye learned harken

to me:

  1. It is true that Gods wil once vttered ought to suffice al men, for he answereth not to ech one by a particular speach, but by common speach (or fact) satisfieth al mens questions. Wherof S. Gregorie noteth this general rule. vita præcedentium sit forma sequentium. The life of them that goe before is made a forme (or rule) of them that folow. li. 23. c. 18. & 19. But Eliu falsely supposed that God by Iobs affliction had declared that he was a wicked man. For in dede God declared the contrarie c. 1. v. 1. & 8. c. 2. v. 3.