Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/39

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26And Mathusala liued, after he begat Lamech, seuen hundred eightie two yeares, and begat sonnes and daughters. 27And al the dayes of Mathusala came to ∷[1] nyne hundred sixtie nine yeares, & he died. 28And Lamech liued a hundred eightie two yeares, and begat a sonne: 29and he called his name Noe, saying: This sonne shal comfort vs from the workes & labours of our handes on the earth, which our Lord cursed: 30And Lamech liued, after he begat Noe, fiue hundred nintie fiue yeares, and begat sonnes and daughters. 31And al the dayes of Lamech came to seuen hundred seuentie seuen yeares, and he died. And ∷[2] Noe when he was fiue hundred yeares olde, begat Sem, Cham, and Iaphat.


  1. This is the longest life of al here recited. But if we consider that Adam was as strong of body, the first day he was created, as these others were at the age of 60. yeares (before which, none are said to have begot children) and so subtract 60. yeares from Mathusala, then Adam lived in mans state longer then he by 25. yeares.
  2. The second prophecie before Masse on Easter Eve.