Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/812

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Oflft.IoaJ.Tcroboam. OfluJa Azarias. of kivcfs. f$t Amifus the king of luua, arc nut thclc t hinges v nun in the 16 Boo Ice of rite wordesof the dales ol (he kingesof 1 True I; J And loas fltpt with his fatherSiind was buried in Samaria with the 17 kingesof lfracl:& leroboam his tonne reigned for him f And Amafias the fonne of loas the king of ludi liucd, after tint loas the fonnc of loachaz the king 0/ Ifrael was dead, fifctenc it jcarcs . f But the reil of the wordes of Amafias, arc nor ihefc t hinges wiitcn in the Booke of the wordes of the daics l<> of the kingesof luda? f And there wis a confpiracic made againfthimin Ierufalem: bur hefled inro Lichis. And they xafentafter him into Lachis, and killed him there, f And they caiied him away vpon horfes,and he was buried in Icrulalerrr 11 with his fathers in the Citie of Dauid. t And al the people of Ioda tooke Azarias fixtcne yeares old, and made him king for' 12, his father Amafias. t He builr j€lath,andrcftbrcd it to luda, a) after that the king flcpt with his fathers, f In tr »e fiftcmh' yeare of Amafias che fonnc of loas the king of luda, rcignec! leroboam the fonnc of loas the king of Ifrael in Samaria, one 14 and fourtie yeares : f and he did that which is euil before our Lord. He departed not from al the fir.nrs of leroboam a; the (onne of Nabac, who made Ifrael to finne- f Hereftorei' the borders of Ifrael from the entrance of Emarh.vnto the Sea of the wildcrncfle, according to the word of our Lord the f ^ God of Ifrael, which he (pake by hii feruat lonas chefonne of

  1. ,M ' r * Amathi.the prophctc.who wasofGcrh , whichisin Opher.'

16 f For our Lord faw the afliction of Ifrael exceding- bitrer/ and that they were confumed vnto the imprifoned 6c meaneft 17 peifons. and that there was none to hclpc [fuel, f Neither did our Lord determine that he would deftroy the name of Ifrael from vnder hcauen, but he fiucd them in rhe hand of a8 Ieroboam the fonne of loas. f But the reft of the wordesof leroboam, and al that re did, and his ftrcngth, wherwith he foughr.and how hereftored Damafcus.and Emath to luda in Ifrael, are not thefc thinges wrirenin the Booke of the wot- de^of rhe daiesof the kinges of Ifrael? t And leroboam flepe with his fathers the kinges of Ifrael, and Zacharias his fonnc, - reigned for him.


Azarias beginnith vv 1,4- afterward (for offering incense on the altar. (2.Parlip.26.) is stricken with leprosie, cast out of the temple, and from conuersation with the people, his Sonne Ioathan ruling the kingdom. 3. Sellum
