Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT1, 1609).djvu/934

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Moreouer Ioathan his sonne gouerned the kinges house, and judged the people of the land. 22 But the rest of the wordes of Ozias the first and the last wrote Isaias the sonne of Amos, the prophet. 23 And Ozias slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the [1] kings sepulchres field, because he was a leper: and Ioathan his sonne reigned for him.


      • 1 T« 1 v E an<1 r vcmic y" r « old was Ioathan when he began kin £ ct -

i ro reignc.and he reigned fixrene yeares in Ierufalcm : rhe 1 n*meof his mother was Ierufa the daugter of Sadoc. f And hedid that which was right before our Lord, according to al thinges, which Ozias his father had done, fauing that he entered not into the temple of our Lord.and as yet the people J did finne. | He built the high gate of rhe houfc of our Lord, 4 and in the walofOphel he built manie thinges. | Cities alfo he built in the mountaynes of Iuda, and caftcllcs and 5 to^res in theforrcftcs. t He fought agaynft rhe king of the children of Ammon,and ouercaroe them, and chechildren of Ammongaue him at thar time an hundred talentes of filucr, and tenne thoufand cores ofwheate, and as manie coresof barley: the children of Ammon gaue him thefe thinges in rhe 6 fecond and third yeare. | And Ioathan ras flrengrhened, becaufe he had directed his waies before our Lord his God. 7 f But the reft of the wordes of Ioathan, and al his battels, and workes,are writenin the Booke of the kinges of Ifrael 8 and Iuda. f He vac fiue and twentie yeares old when he be- gan toreigne, and he reigned fixrene yeares in Ierufalem. 9 t And Ioathan flept with his fathers, and rhey buried him in the Citie of Dauid : and Achaz his fonne reigned for him.

Chap. XXVIII. For his great wickedness Achaz is taken in battel, his countrie spojled,and manie slaine by the kinges of Syria and Israel. 9 yet God suffereth not the kingdom to be subdued. 16. Then requiring helpe of the Assyians 17, is ffityteiby ike fd*mednt,Pbiliflhtdn , snd jt&ttdm* it. Sifter d which ptdgnei be tommittelb more idoUme. 16. dutbytndb* fonne E^ecbidi



  1. Neither could he be burned in the proper sepulchres of the kinges.