Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT2, 1610).djvu/454

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CHAP. 1.

Isaie prophecying in the dayes of foure kinges of Juda, 2. admonisheth both princes and people of their ingratitude, and other sinnes against God 7. for which they shal be led capture. 11. Neither shal sacrifices nor prayers saue them, 16. except they cleanse their soules from sinnes. 20. Which they not doing shal be seuerely punished. 26. Wherby the reliques shal be purged, and the Church shal flourish.[1]

THe vision of Isaie the sonne of [2] Amos, which he sawe concerning Iuda and Ierusalem in the dayes of Ozias; Ioathan, Achaz, and Ezechias kinges of Iuda. 2 Heare ye heauens; & geue eare o earth, because our Lord hath spoken. I haue brought vp children; and exalted them: but they haue despised me. 3 The oxe hath knowen his owner, and the asse his masters crib: but Israel hath not knowen me, and my people hath not vnderstood. 4 Woe to the sinful nation; the people loden with greeuous iniquitie, the wicked feede, ungracious children: they haue forsaken our Lord, they haue blasphemed the holie one of Israel, they are reuolted backewards. 5 For what shal I strike you anie more, which adde preuarication? [3] euerie head is sicke, & euerie hart in heaviness. 6 From the sole of the foote vnto the toppe of the head, there is no health therein: wound, and wayle, and swelling stroke: it is not bound vp, nor cured with medicine, no mollified with oile. 7 Your land is desolate, your cities burnt with fire: your countrie strangers deuoure before your face, and it shal be made desolate as in the spoile of enemies. 8 And [4] the daughter of Sion shal be left as a vineyard, and as a cottage in a place of cucumbers, and as a citie that is wasted. 9 [5] Vnlesse the Lord of hostes had lefte vs feed, we had beene as Sodom, and we should be like to Gomorrha. 10 Heare the word of our Lord ye princes of Sodom, geue eare to the law of our God ye people of Gomorrha. 11 To what purpose do you offer me the multitude of your victimes, saith our Lord? I am ful the holocaust of rammes, and the fatte of fatlings, and the bloud of calues, and lambes; and buck goates I have not desired. 12 When you should haue come before my sight, who fought

  1. The first part. The kingdom of Iuda shal be captiue in Babylon, for their ingratitude towards Gods, and other sinnes.
  2. Not Amos the third of the lesse prophetes for this name is written in other letters in Hebrew: but one of the royal bloud as S. Ierom testifieth.
  3. Prince, Priest, and people are al sicke of ingratitude against God, & other iniquities.
  4. Ierusalem defaced and destroyed.
  5. God continually preserueth some holie seede that his Church may neuer faileth


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