Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT2, 1610).djvu/456

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All nations shal come to the Church of Christ; which shal beginne in Ierusalem. 6. And the Iewes shal be reiected for their idolatrie, auarice, and other sinnes. 11. Proud men shal be humbled, & Gods glorie shal increase, 18. Idolatrie shall be destroyed.

THe word, that Isaie the sonne of Amos saw vpon Iuda and Ierusalem. 2 And in [1] the later dayes the montaine of the house of our Lord shal be prepared, in the toppe of montaines, and it shal be eleuated aboue the little hilles: and al nations shal flow vnto it. 3 And manie peoples shal goe & shal say, come and let vs goe vp to the mount of our Lord, and to the house of the God of Iacob, and he wil teach vs his wayes, and we shal walke in his pathes: because the law shal come forth from Sion, and the word of our Lord from Ierusalem. 4 And he shal judge the Gentiles, and rebuke manie peoples: and they shal turne their swordes into culters, and their speares into siethes: nation shal not lift vp sword against nation, neither shal they be exercised any more to battel. 5 House of Iacob come ye, and let us walke in the light of our Lord. 6 For thou hast [2] reiected thy people, the house of Iacob: because they are filled as in times past, and haue had southsayers as the Philisthijms, and haue stucke fast to strange children. 7 The land is replenished with siluer and gold: and there is no end of their treasures. 8 And their land is replenished with horses: and their chariotes are innumerable. And their land is ful of idoles: they haue adored the worke of their handes, which their fingers made. 9 And man bowed himself, and man was humbled: therfore forgeue them not. 10 Enter thou into the rocke, and be hid in a pitte, and in the ground from the face of the feare of our Lord, & from the glorie of his maiestie. 11 The loftie eies of man are humbled, and the height of men shal be made to stoupe: & our Lord onlie shal be exalted in that day. 12 Because the day of the Lord of hostes shal be upon al the proude and loftie, & vpon al the okes of Basan. 13 And vpon the ceders of Libanus high & eleuated, & vpon al the okes of Basan. 14 And vpon al the high mountaines, and vpon al little hilles eleuated. 15 And vpon euerie high towre, and euerie fensed wal. 16 And vpon al the shippes of Tharsis, and vpon al, that is fayre to

  1. It is not only certaine, but also euident that the prophet speaketh here, and innumerable other places, of the Church of Christ, which is the citie set vpon a mountaine Mat 5. vnto which all nations are gathered, and at the time of the New Testament is called the last house, 1. Ioan, 2. because no time shal folow after this, but al eternitie.
  2. The Iewes were reiected after Christs death: until which they were stil conserued: though often seuerely punished. And so now the Church of Christ shal neuer reiected, nor