Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT2, 1610).djvu/460

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of hostes, unles manie great and fayre houses become desolate, without an inhabiter. 10 For ten acres of the vineyards shal yeld one litle flagon, and thirtie busheles of feede shal yeld threo busheles. 11 Woe to you that rise up earely to folow drunkennes, and to drinke even until evening, that you may be inflamed with wine. 12 Harpe, and viole, & timbrel, and shalme, and wine in your feastes: and [1] the worke of our Lord you regard not, nor consider the workes of his handes. 13 Therfore is my people led away captive, because they had not knowlege, and their nobles died with famine, and the multitude thereof dried away with thirst. 14 Therfore hath hel dilated his soule, and opened his mouth without anie limite, and their strong ones, and their people, and their high and glorious ones shal descend into it. 15 And man shal be bowed, and man shal be humbled, and the eies of the loftie shal be brought law. 16 And the Lord of hostes shall be exalted in judgement, and the holie God shall be sanctified in justice. 17 And the lambes shal feede according to their order, and strangers shall eate the defects turned into frutefulnes. 18 Woe to you that draw iniquitie in cordes of vanitie, & sinne as the linke of a wayne. 19 Which say: let him make hast, & let his worke come quickly, that we may see it, & let the counsel of the holie one of Israel come, and we shal know it. 20 Woe unto you that cal evil good, and good evil: putting darknes light, and light darknes: putting bitter for swete, & swete for bitter. 21 Woe to you that are wise in your owne eies, and prudent before yourselves. 22 Woe to you that are mightie to drinke wine, & stout men in drunkennes. 23 Which justifie the impious for giftes, and take away the justice of the just from them. 24 For this, even as the tongue of fire devoureth stuble, and the heate of the flame burneth it up: so shal their roote be as ishes, and their bud shal rise up as dust, for they have cast away the law of the Lord of hostes, and have blasphemed the word of the holie one of Israel. 25 Therfore is the fury of our Lord wrath against his people, and he hath stretched out his hand upon them, and striken them: and the mountaines were trubled, and their carcasses were made as dung in the middes of the streates. In al these things his furie is not turned away, [2] but yet is his hand stretched forth. 26 And he shal lift up a signe in the nations a farre, and shal whistle to him of the ends of the earth: and behold he shal come in hast spedely. 27 There

  1. An admonition to celebrate the festival dayes with holy religious exercises, and not to folow drunkennes nor other wicked or vaine thinges.
  2. Grevous sinnes must be grevously punished. Such as was the sinne of the Jewes persecuting Christ.