Page:Bible (Douay Rheims OT2, 1610).djvu/462

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understand with their hart, and be converted and I heale them. 11 And I said: How long Lord? And he said: Until the cities be made desolate without inhabiter, and the houses without man, and the land shal be least desert. 12 And our Lord shal make men goe farre of, and he shall be multiplied that was least in the middes of the earth. 13 And yet there shal be tithing in it, and she shal be converted, and shal be to the shew as terebinth, and as an oke, that spreadeth his boughes: that which shal stand in it, shal be an holie seede.


Jerusalem being beseeged, 3. the prophet telleth the king, that the enemies shal not prevaile (8. but the kingdome of Israel shal be destroyed) 10. geveth for a signe that a Virgin shal conceive and bare a Sonne. 17. prophecieth also the captivitie, and desolation of the kingdom of Juda.

AND it came to passe [1] in the dayes of Achaz the sonne of Joathan, the sonne of Ozias the king of Juda, there came up Rafin the king of Syria, and Phacee the sonne of Romelia the king of Israel to Jerusalem, to fight against it: and they could not overcome it. 2 And they told the house of David, saying: Syria hath rested upon Ephraim, & his hart was moved, and the hart of his people, as the trees of the wooddes are moved at the face of the winde. 3 And our Lord sayd to Isaie: Goe forth to meete Achaz, thou, and Jasub thy sonne that is least, to the conduite of the upper poole, in the way of the Fullers filde. 4 And thou shalt say to him: See thou be stil: feare not, and let not thine hart be afrayd of the two tailes of these smoking fyrebrands, in the wrath of the furie of Rafin the king of Syria, and of the sonne of Romelia. 5 For that Syria hath taken counsel against thee, unto the evil of Ephraim, and the sonne of Romelia, saying: 6 Let us goe up to Juda, and rayse it up, and plucke it away to us, and make the sonne of Tabeel king in the middes therof. 7 Thus sayth our Lord God: It shal not stand, & this shal not be. 8 But the head of Syria Damascus, & the head of Damascus Rafin: and yet threescore and five years, and Ephraim shal cease to be a people: 9 And the head of Ephraim Samaria, and the head of Samaria the sonne of Romelia. If you wil not beleve, you shal not be permanent. 10 And our Lord added to speak to Achaz, saying: 11 Aske a signe for thee of the Lord thy God unto the depth of hel, or unto the height above. 12 And Achaz

  1. Before this, the kinges of Syria and of Israel had taken king Achaz in battel and carried away great spoyles 2. Paral. 18 But presuming, to do the like againe, God suffered them not to prevaile. Mystically this signified that heretikes of divers sectes conspire to impugne the Catholike Church, Which they do much afflict, and terrifie, but can never overthrow it S.Jerom in hunclocuio