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candid interchange of thoughts and opinions — a faithful and true exposition of the principles involved in the relation of master and slave. Convince the slaveholder that this relation is incompatible with Christianity and republicanism — he stands ready to abandon it, regardless of the sacrifice. His mind is not sealed against the impressive teaching of truth and reason, nor his heart seared against the moving influences of pure benevolence and true Christian charity. But, hitherto, the agitation of this question has been altogether one-sided, and confines mainly to those in whose action upon this subject, neither right, reason, nor justice, were involved. They have been justly regarded as busy-bodies, and disturbers of the public peace. The question, like the institution itself, is purely of a sectional or local character, involving only the interests of the citizens of those States where slavery exists. For it to be discussed and agitated, and the motives and characters of the slaveholder to be assailed and calumniated by the citizens of other States is illiberal and anti-republican, and savours of ignorance and corruption, or of both combined. But, nevertheless, this unnatural warfare against truth and justice, against law and liberty, has been continued, until the peace and prosperity of a great nation are much disturbed, and our glorious Confederacy well nigh dissolved; until many of our best citizens and purest patriots have began almost to call in question the honesty of the honored dead — the Fathers of the Republic; and to look with distrust and