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shown a heap of sand and earth several feet high. On opening this heap, as directed by the chief, he found the bodies of five white men, who had been killed by stabbing. He soon learned of the old man, that the five men had belonged to the crew of a vessel which had but recently been wrecked on the coast of the Atlantic, and who had been carried inland by a party of blacks, belonging to the Muhotian tribe. This tribe had been set upon by a party of Kantorians, in order to take the prisoners out of their hands, for the express purpose of practicing Sodomy upon them, because they were white, and, in the eyes of those miserable beings, exceedingly handsome. But in the affray, the white men were all killed, and buried there in the sand, rather than submit to be thus degraded in their own eyes. During this talk with the filthy old chief, Damberger told him about the abuse he had received from his son-in-law, because he would not submit to the same thing; at which the old child of darkness and paganism only laughed most heartily, as at an occurrence of the most trivial character. Vol. i, p. 146.

After this, as Damberger was prosecuting his dreadful journey, over jagged mountains and dreary plains of sand and morasses, he fell into the hands of a tribe called Kionians, whose king was an absolute despot; having the power to appropriate to his own use whatever he pleased, and of whom his subjects dare not complain. Whenever he would, he took the wives and daughters of his people, who were very numerous, to his own couch, so that he had eight hundred women subject to his pleasure. The