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blacks, as good men, and ornaments to society where they lived.

Having thus far in this section, taken some notice of the national and personal character of the Ethiopian race, we shall change the subject, in order to make some inquiries respecting their mental abilities, without aiming to disparage them in the least degree wrongfully, being desirous only to ascertain the truth respecting them.

If the Supreme Being has seen fit to endow this race with a less quantum of intellectual faculties, and with less attractive powers and persons, in all respects, than he has the white race — what then? are we, therefore, to undervalue them on this account? We think not, as all God's works are good and proper in their proper places, but not out of them. In this way, and in no other, shall we be able to appreciate the wonderful harmony of nature, by which is demonstrated both the power and wisdom of the Creator, in ordering the affairs of the universe, and the inhabitants of the globe.

It is impossible to extract from substances, more than is contained in the nature of such substances, or to elevate by its own weight, water above its origin or fountain head. So of the negro race, though fondled and petted by abolitionists, yet this will amount to nothing, except an exhibition of the negro's real natural imbecilities of mind, and the need he is in of help, as the great conservative powers by which the white race have elevated themselves are not given to the people of the race of Ham. But for not cultivating the one talent, which was given them