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low and degraded condition of the negro race, to the account of the domineering manners of the whites over them; but we presume they will not do so in relation to the foregoing accounts, as the white man's influence is unknown in their ancient or modern barbarous condition; on this account, such persons will be compelled, even against their own wills, to place the cause to the right account — which is the negro's own natural imbecilities.

It is utterly impossible to reduce the whites by any process whatever to so low a condition, as is found to be the universal state of the negro race, on account of the possession of superior mental faculties, moral feelings, reason, reflections, sympathies, and all the train of qualifications, constituting the image of God, as alluded to, Gen. i, 27. But these qualifications, and this image, are possessed by the negro race in a less degree, which corresponds exactly with the difference there is between the color, forms and attitudes of the two races.

In further illustration of this fact, it is said by physicians, who have made the tropical diseases their study, that the negro sleeps sound in every disease, nor does any mental disturbances ever keep them awake. They bear surgical operations much better than whites; and what would be the cause of insupportable pain to a white, a negro would almost disregard. I have, says Dr. Mosely, amputated the legs of many negroes, who have held the upper part of the limb themselves, alone. — Lawrence's Lectures, p. 402.

And as corroboratory of this fact, we see it stated