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like the first parents, whatever that complexion was. If the first two of human kind were created white, they could never have been the parents of black and red men. If they were created red, they could never have been the parents of black and white men. If they were created black, they could never have been the parents of white and red men, as they could naturally procreate only their own complexion.

Since the creation of man upon the earth, there never was produced from the same parents a variety of complexion (except in the case of the Albino's production, which is now considered to be only the effect of disease); this particular, the producing of varieties, is a trait of the nature of beasts, but not of man, who, in this particular, are more fixed, being created in a way which has set him above the winds and the weather, as it relates to his physical being.

Here it is proper to inquire what then was the complexion of the two first of the human race, Adam and Eve, and the antediluvian world, their offspring?

In relation to this extremely curious, as well as interesting subject, we shall refer first to a very ancient, and a very learned historian, namely, Flavius Josephus, who says, in his work on the Antiquities of the Jews, Book i, p. 12, that Adam, the first man, was created red. The following are his words: "God took dust from the ground and formed man, and inserted in him a spirit and a soul. This man was called Adam, which, in the Hebrew tongue, signifies one that is red, because he was formed of red earth, compounded together, for of that kind is virgin or true earth.