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come and destroy the earth, by the violence and operations of the waters, that the climates would be greatly changed from what they had been from the creation. This effect was to be produced by the uncovering of vast regions of the subterraneous seas, which was done when the fountains of the great deep were broken up (see Gen. vii, 11); for in proportion as the water came up the land went down, which would produce, when the waters should retire (on account of more of this element remaining exposed to the air than was the case before the flood), an unhealthy varying humidity over the whole earth.

There can be no doubt but the original beauty and arrangement of the countries of the globe have been greatly deranged by the rending currents of the overwhelming waters, the falling in of entire regions of the original surface, occasioned by the quivering of the earth, as doubtless it was shaken by the Divine Power for that very purpose. By this means the coverings of the great deep were removed, and went down to the bottom of the seas.

Prior to the flood, it is our belief that the whole surface of the earth was so united by land as not to be separated by water, except mere rivers, small lakes and streams, when both men and animals could and did pass, without interruption, quite around it. Instead of five oceans, which now nearly swallow up the whole earth (one-fourth only excepted), there was every where beautiful lakes, great and small rivers, both salt and fresh, with brooks and fountains, so arranged as to beautify and adorn the whole, as well as accommodate every species of animal existence