Page:Bibliography of the Sanskrit Drama.djvu/119

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Rāmacandra. The Satya Harischandra Nāṭaka. Edited by B. R. Arte and S. V. Puranik. Bombay, 1898, pp.61.

Rāmākṛṣṇa Varman. Padmāvatī nāṭaka. Benares, 1886, pp. 107.

Rāmākṛṣṇa Varman. Kṛṣṇakumārī nāṭaka. Benares, 1899, pp. 156.

Śrīmadgītādarśana, or, a Dramatized Version of the Bhagvatgītā (sic). Edited by A. V. Barve. Bombay, 1903, pp. 48. [In Marathi.]

Tarkālaṃkar, R. C. Kantuk Garbasva Nāṭak. Bengali drama. Calcutta, 1830.

Udayran, R. Premrāyane Cārumati. Bombay, 1876. [In Gujarati.]

Umedcand, C. Okha Haran Natak, or, the drama of the elopement of Okha or Usha. Ahmedabad, 1883, pp. 66. [In Gujarati.]

Vaṃśamaṇi (wrote in Nepal in 1628). Kuvalayāśvamadālasa. Kat. d. Bibl. d. Deutschen Morg. Gesell. 2. p. 7.


Chattopādhyāya, N. The Yātrās, or the popular dramas of Bengal. London, 1882.

Chattopādhyāya, N. Die Yātrās, oder die Volksschauspiele Bengalens. In his Indische Essays, Zürich, 1883, pp. 1–56.

Dennath, G. Bengali Language. In Calcutta Review, 98 (1893), pp. 104–131. [Contains an account of dramas in Bengali.]

Dhruva, H. H. The Rise of the Drama in Modern India. With an Appendix. In Transactions of the 9. Intern. Congr. of Orientalists, London, 1893, vol. 1, pp. 297–314.

Estrey, Count Meyners de. L'Art dramatique dans l'Inde. In Annales de l'extrême Orient, 8 (1885–1886), pp. 289–293.

Haberlandt, M. Das moderne indische Drama. In Öm, 18, pp. 118–121.

Minayev, I. Narodnyya dramatičeskiya predstavleniya v prazdnik Kholi v Almorě. In Zapiski Vostočnago Otděleniya