Page:Bibliography of the Sanskrit Drama.djvu/41

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logičeskago Obscestva, 4 (1890), pp. 393-394. [Mention of a representation of a Buddhist Drama. Text from the Avadanasataka (75).]

Ongaro, Prof. Dall'. Studii critici sul teatro indiano. In Rivista Europea, Florence, Jan. 1873.

Hariscandra. Nataka: on drama in Sanskrit and Hindi with sketch of European drama. Benares, 1883, pp. 54. [In Hindi.]

Neve, F. Les drames heroiques et mythologiques de I'lnde. In Museon, i (1882), pp. 523-540.

Nevill, Hugh. The Ramayana as a Play. In Taprobanian, 2 (1887), pp. 150-160, 170-172.

P [avolini] , P. E. Sul personaggio del Vidusaka. In Studi italiani di filologia indo-iranica, edited by Pulle, 2(1899), PP- ^^—^7- [A review of Huizinga's work, De Vidusaka in het indisch Tooneel.]

Pischel, Richard. Die Heimat des Puppenspiels. Hallesche Rektorreden, 2, Halle, 1900, pp. 28.

[Pischel, Richard.] The Home of the Puppet Play. Translated by Mildred C. Tawney. London, 1902, pp. 32.

Saradananda (Swami). Poetry and Drama of Ancient Times. In Brahmavadin, 3 (1897), pp. 346-355.

Schuyler, Montgomery, Jr. The Origin of the Vidusaka, and the employment of this character in the plays of Harsadeva. In JAOS. 20 (1899), pp. 338-340.

Sladomel, Ig. Dramaticke umeni indu. In Vlast, 13 (1897), pp. 835-845.

Smith, Vincent A. The Reign of Harsha from 606 to 648 A. D. In his Early History of India, Oxford, 1904, pp. 282-302.

Tagore, S. M. Bharatiya Natya Rahasya, or a Treatise on Hindu Drama. Calcutta, 1878, pp. 268. [In Bengali.]

Tagore, S. M. The Hindu Drama, i. Calcutta, 1888, pp. 56.

Windisch, E. Der griechische Einfluss im indischen Drama. In Verh. d. 5. intern. Orientalisten-Kongresses (i 881), sect. 2, Berlin, 1882, pp. 3-106.

Winternitz, Moritz. The Mahabharata and the drama. In JRAS. 1903, PP- 571-572.