Page:Bierce - Collected Works - Volume 09.djvu/58

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no further away than three generations your ancestors numbered eight persons, now in heaven. In countries which are pleased to call themselves civilized and enlightened "a generation" means about thirty-four years. Not long ago it meant thirty-three, but im- proved methods of distribution, sanitation and so forth have added a year to the average duration of human life, though they have not pointed out any profitable use to make of the addition. All this amounts to saying (acceptably, I trust) that at each remove of thirty-four years back toward Adam and his time you double the number of your ancestors. Among so many some, naturally, were truly modest persons, and I don't know that you would care to have so much said about them as I shall have to say; so, if you please, we will speak of Mr. John Smith's instead.

John Smith, then, whom I know very well, and greatly esteem, and who is approaching middle age, had, about 34 years ago, two ancestors. About 102 years ago, say in the year of grace 1792, he had eight — though he did not have himself. You can do the rest of the figuring yourself if you care to go on and are unwilling to take my word for what follows . — the astonishing state of things which I am