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Altho cody’s said these things I’m very well aware that the real arrangement of the evening is that we’re just going to see Billie together so she can get her kicks meeting me (after hearing about me from him and after reading my books etc.) and in fact Cody has already conferred with Evelyn about how I’m going to be staying at their house in Los Gatos for a month, as of old sleeping in my bag in the backyard not because they dont want me to sleep in the house but it’s my idea, but it’s beautiful anyway to sleep under the stars and anyway I therefore keep out of the way of the family when they get up to go to work and school—At noon they see me shambling in from the big back field yard yawning for coffee—and I’m in line for that, i.e., that’s what I want to do and that’s my plan—But when we run upstairs to Willamine’s apartment and come bursting in to this neat little well arranged pad with goldfish bowl, books, strange doodads, neat kitchen, the whole clean as a pin, and there’s Billie herself a blonde with arched eyebrows exactly like the male Julien blond with arched eyebrows and I yell out “It’s Julien by God it’s Julien!” (and by now I’m drunk anyway because we’ve as of old picked up an old hitch hiker on Bay Shore who says his name is Joe Ihnat and we bought him a bottle and I bought me one too, never will forget old Joe Ihnat in fact somehow because he said he was a Russian and his was an ancient Russian name and when I wrote out our names he said my name was an ancient Russian name also) (tho it’s Breton) (and also told us he’d just been beaten up by a young Negro for no