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Low and easy—
Wind & many freezing
bottoms on luckrock—
Endymion thou tangled
dreamer love my thigh
—Rose, Of Shelley,
Rose, O Urns!
Ogled urns in fish eye

Cinco sea the Chico sea
the Magellan headland sea
—What hype sidereal did he put down
bending beatnik sea goatee
over old goat manuscripts
to find the other side of Flat?
See round, see the end of me?
Rounden huge bedroom?
Awp hole cave & shwrul—
sand & salt & hair eyes

—Strong enuf to make
coffee grow in your hair—
Whose planation Neptune got?
That of Atlas still down there,
Hesperid’s his feet, Sur his sleet,
Irish Sea fingertip
& Cornwall aye his soul

be dosh—This sigh old learning’s
high beside me——Rough
old hands have played out
pedigree, we’ve sunk more boats
than dreamer’ll ever ever see
—Burning—Burning—The world
is burning & needs waaater
—I’ll have a daughter,
oughter, wait & seee—