Page:Biggers and Ritchie - Inside the Lines.djvu/347

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"George—George! What does all this mean—yells—whistling——"

General Crandall gave his wife a pat on the shoulder and put her aside with a mechanical gesture. He took a step toward Woodhouse, who still stood stiffly before the opened doors; the dazed governor walked like a somnambulist.

"Who—who the devil are you, sir?" he managed to splutter.

"I am Captain Cavendish, General." Again the hand came to stiff salute on the visor of the pith helmet. "Captain Cavendish, of the signal service, stationed at Khartum, but lately detached for special service under the intelligence office in Downing Street."

The man's eyes jumped for an instant to seek Jane Gerson's face—found a smile breaking through the lines of doubt there.

"Your papers to prove your identity!" Crandall demanded, still in a fog of bewilderment.

"I haven't any. General Crandall," the other replied, with a faint smile, "or your Indian, Jaimihr Khan, would have placed them in your hands after the search of my room yesterday. I've convinced Major Bishop of my genuineness.