Page:Biographia Hibernica volume 2.djvu/584

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580 SWIFT. treated him with great familiarity, and is said on one occa sion to have offered him a troop of horse; this offer Swift thought proper to decline, having previously determined to take orders. - The return of a disorder which he had contracted in Ireland, by eating immoderately of fruit, and which, with some intermissions, continued to increase until it terminated in a total debility both of body and mind, compelled him in 1693, to visit his native country for the benefit of the air. From this visit he, however, derived but little advan tage; and on his return to England, he again took up his residence in the house of Sir William Temple, who was then settled at Moor Park, near Farnham. He had pre viously taken orders at Oxford, and expected much advancement in the church from the kindness of his friend. In this he was disappointed; Sir William was too much attached to h i s company t o provide for him elsewhere; and Swift rendered, perhaps, more irritable b y the conti nuance o f his complaint, quarrelled with him, and quitted his house u n beau matin, making his way o n foot t o his mother, a t Leicester, with whom h e remained until, by the interest o f the viceroy, Lord Capel, h e obtained the prebend o f Kilroot, i n the diocese o f Connor, with about 100l. a year. His secession from the house of his benefactor con tinued not long. He was prevailed o n b y the entreaties o f Sir William, debilitated b y infirmities, and i n want o f a confidential friend, t o resign the prebend and return t o Moor Park. Here he remained till the death of Sir Wil liam, who left him a legacy, together with h i s posthumous works. These h e collected and dedicated t o King Wil liam, i n the expectation o f obtaining thereby a stall i n the cathedral o f St. Paul's, o r i n that o f Westminster. He was disappointed; h e retired from the court i n dudgeon, and could never afterwards endure the name of William. The Earl o f Berkeley being appointed one o f the lords justices o f Ireland, Swift accompanied him i n the capa city o f chaplain and private secretary

but h e was soon