Page:Biographical Memoir of John C Otto MD.djvu/11

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simplicity and truthfulness. A more conscientious man is perhaps rarely met with; as has been well remarked of him by one who knew him intimately, "his zealous love of truth made him scrupulously accurate in ascertaining and defining its exact limits, having a natural and excessive shrinking from anything that was false, which rendered candor and probity his distinguishing characteristics."

It was this strict conscientiousness which imparted value to his clinical instructions. Any statement which he made might be relied on as true; so far, at least, as he was capable of forming a judgment of its correctness from the facts presented. He never ventured into the regions of hypothesis—preferring to confine himself to ascertained facts, and to the rational deductions of experience. He possessed but little of that imaginative caste of mind which is often the accompaniment of a brilliant genius, which delights to roam in the regions of the unknown in search of undiscovered truths, and to strike out new paths of investigation. If his sphere was less aspiring, it was not the less useful, while it rendered his practice safe and judicious, and gave weight and utility to his public teaching.

As a practitioner, Dr. Otto was an eclectic; he was attached to no particular theories of disease, but formed his opinion of the character of each case, and of the indications to be fulfilled, from the symptoms presented. He possessed considerable tact in the application of remedies, and generally had at his command a variety of resources, which reading and abundant personal experience suggested.

His opinions upon medical subjects were always highly esteemed by his medical brethren; and the more so, from the fact of his proverbial candor, and freedom from prejudice or bias in favor of particular theories or plans of treatment His advice, in consultation, was frequently sought by his fellow practitioners,