Page:Biographical and critical studies by James Thomson ("B.V.").djvu/234

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Urs. Yes, and to amble a foot, when the Fair is done, to hear you groan out of a cart up the heavy hill. . . . Well, I shall be meet with your mumbling mouth one day. Knock. What ! thou'lt poison me with a newt in a bottle of ale, wilt thou? or a spider in a tobacco-pipe, Urse? Come, there's no malice in these fat folks, I never fear thee, an I can scape thy lean Mooncalf here. Let's drink it out, good Urse, and no vapours 1 . . . Thou art such another mad, merry Urse, still 1 troth I do make conscience of vexing thee, now in the dog-days, this hot weather, for fear of foundering thee in the body, and melting down a pillar of the Fair. Pray thee take thy chair again, and keep state ; and let's have a fresh bottle of ale, and a pipe of tobacco ; and no vapours. . . . Look, here's Ezekiel Edgworth a pickpockef] ; a fine boy of his inches as any in the Fair I has still money in his purse, and will pay all, with a kind heart, and good vapours. Edg. That I will indeed, willingly, Master Knockem ; fetch some ale and tobacco." Nightingale returns, and arranges with Ezekiel, whose confederate he is, and Ursla the tactics for this great field-day. Nightingale will take his stand in the fullest passages, shifting often, and while singing will use his hawk's eye nimbly, and make signs to Ezekiel where the full purses are ; after each assemblage Ezekiel will hand the booty over to Nightingale, who will quickly deposit it with Ursla; and at night they will meet and share the lot. " Urs. Enough, talk no more on't : your friendship, masters, is not now to begin. Drink your draught of indenture, your sup of covenant, and away : the Fair fills apace, company begins to come in, and I have ne'er a pig ready yet. Knock. Well said I fill the cups, and light the tobacco ; let's give fire in the works, and noble vapours." Knockem's vapour, like the noble Nym's humour, or the blooming and awfully of our own days, can be