Page:Biographical sketch of the life and labours of that eminent minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; the Rev. James Hall D. D. of the United Secession Church, Broughton-Place meeting-house, Edinburgh.pdf/8

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And arm'd himself in panoply complete,
Of heavenly temper, furnishes with arms,
Bright as his own, and trains to glorious war
By ev'ry rule of holy discipline,
The sacramental host of God's elect.”

He was also very attentive to the private duties of his office, while he continued able to perform them. In visiting the sick, his presence, his prayers, and his converse, were peculiary acceptable and consolatory, not only among his own people, but also among strangers of different denominations. And no person could be better qualified for the ministerial visitation of his flock, for he was capable of sympathizing with distressed individuals in all situations, adapting his conversation to every variety of circumstance, and communicating suitable instruction in every particular condition. But, about ten years ago he was afflicted with an inflamation of his liver, &c., by which his life was thought to be in imminent danger; and though he gradually regained a considerable share of health, he was ever afterwards subject to inward complaints, that rendered him unable to endure any great degree of fatigue: subsequently, he frequently appointed diets of visitation, and attempted to accomplish that interesting exercise; yet the seeds of desease were so deeply rooted in his constitution, that he found himself incapable of persevering, and was reluctantly obliged to desist. The unavoidable intermission of a duty so important was ascribed to false or conjectural causes by the inconsiderate, the less sympathizing part of his people, such as were seldom subjected to affliction themselves, and too apt to judge unfavourably of others, without being furnished with proper grounds; and they were unfortunately instrumental in spreading discontent, and inducing others, along with themselves, to embrace the opportunity which presented itself, of deserting his ministry and continuing in Rose street, when he removed