to our bird -life, or such as the seed eaters, or Sparrows, are now doing,
during these and the succeeding Indian summer dajs, so shortlj' to
From a few, at first, the Tree Sparrows gradually become more numer-
ous, and. as the bracing days of late October finally give way to the
sharper nights and mornings of cooler November, it is found they are
not lacking in suitable places. Yet, as a species, they cannot be regarded
as common until the wintry days of December have actually come to stay;
though their exact status in this one particular does seem to vary with
the seasons.
The first week in October, with us, usually hnds the Juncos and
Peabodies plentiful, and associated with them is a fair sprinkling of Fox
Sparrows, the whole constituting a jolly lot.
Our mixed hazel and blackberry, cornel and wild crab thickets are then
the much -frequented resorts of the Sparrow kinil, and if one finds music
in the constant scratching among the rustling leaves and the almost in-
cessant clatter of vocal sounds emanating from such surroundings he should
not fail to visit them at this most opportune time of the year.
The Ambrosia, or ragweed, thickets, too, also afford them capital
retreats, as one is almost sure of finding there a mixed assemblage of the
species just mentioned.
There are years when the Pine Siskins first visit us in one immense
flock, with little bands from the main body scouring the country here
and there; and it is then that the heavily seed -laden tops of the ragweed
ofier them the greatest of attractions.
A few notes pertaining to the fields and the foraging habits of the
Rough -legged Hawks might be as readily appended here, but, with these,
we doubtless are rather convinced by this time that our seasonal cycle of
bird -life experiences has practically and happily approached its completion.
For perriKiiu-iit residents, see Bird-Lore for Dec, 1900, p. 187.
Late fall and earl- winter arrivals at Cilen LIUii, siiowiiit; earliest recorded
dates :
October 2. Nelson's and Wliite-crowned Sjiarrows; Oct. 4, Tree Sparrow;* Oct. 12,
Ring-necked Duck and American Roujjh- legged Hawk;* Oct. 17, Canada Goose;**
Oct. 23, Lesser Scaup Duck; Oct. 24, Northern Shrike;* Oct. 31, .American Crossbill;
Nov. 6, Shoveller Duck and Redpoll Linnet;** Nov. 19, Tufted Titmouse; Dec. 11,
Short-eared Owl.*f
Late fall and early winter departures at Cilen I'.lKii, showing latent recorded dates,
from data collected during the past eight years:
October i, Black-crowned Night Heron, Farula WarhUr and Water Thrush ; Oct. 2.
Nelson's Sjiarrow and NLarvland 'ellow-tliroat ; Oit. 4, .merican C'oot. Broail-w ingeil
Hawk, Field Sparrow and Ba -breasted Warbler; Oct. ^. Reil-eved N'ireo and .iner-
- Rriiular wintiT visilam. ** Irrctular wiiilcf viiiianl. J Ooubllrs* occiirrcd cirlicr.