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Only those who have tried to make a hirtl census are aware of the time, care, and patience it of necessity requires. It is not surprising, therefore, that so few of the returns are avaihihle for publication. — Ed. A JUNE BIRD CENSUS AT NORTH FREEDOM, WIS. Hi Al.RK K. IMOKK AM) JAMKS SKKI.KV The country taicen consisted of corn and oat fields, sloping meadows, heavily wooded bottoms, thick bushy tracts, a wild plum orchard and a marsh. Time, June 3 to June 30: Cjieen Heron, i; Virginia Rail, i; Sora, i; Spotted Sandpiper, 5; Bob-uliite, 10; Mourning Dove, 12; Cooper's Hawk, 2; Red-sliouldered Hawk, i; Pigeon Hawk, i; American Sparrow Hawk, 5; Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 2; Belted Kingrisher, 5; Downy Woodpecker, 3; Yeliow-Bellied Woodpecker, r; Red-headed Woodpecker, 5; Flicker, 8; Night-hawk, 2; Chimney Swift, 5; Ruby-throated Hummingbird, i; Kingbird, 4; Phoebe, i; Wood Pewee, 3; Least Flycatcher, i; Prairie Horned Lark, 3; Bluejay, 3; Crow, i; Bobolink, 8; Cowbird, 7; Red-winged Blackbird, 23; Meadowlark, 10; Balti- more Oriole, 3; House Sparrow, 3; American Goldfinch, 7; Vesper Sparrow, 6; Chipping Sparrow, 2; Field Sparrow, i; Song Sparrow, 21; Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 4; Indigo Bunting, 4; Dickcissel, 4; Scarlet Tanager, 2; Purple Martin, 2; Cliff Swallow, 3; Barn Swallow, 4; Bank Swallow, 10; Cedar Waxwing, 5; Red-eyed Vireo, 5; War- bling Vireo, 5; Yellow-throated Vireo, i ; Yellow Warbler, 5; Maryland Yellowthroat, 2; American Redstart, 2; Catbird, 9; Brown Thrasher, 2; White-breasted Nuthatch, 3; Chickadee, 7; American Robin, 12; Bluebird, 2. Total, 58 species, 268 individuals. A JUNE BIRD CENSUS AT HUNTINGTON, LONG ISLAND By Charlotte E. Lee The area selected is bounded on one side by an elm -shaded village street, lined with cottages having lawns and gardens, back of which lie orchards and hay fields. The street ascends a hill whose opposite slope is partly covered with a growth of cedar, locust, oak and chestnut trees, and at the foot of which lies a group of small ponds with banks heavily shaded with willow, alder, elder, and other bushes. Bob-white, i; Yellow or Black-billed Cuckoo, i; Downy Woodpecker, 2; Flicker, 3; Swift, 12-15; Ruby-throated Hummingbird, i; Kingbird, 4; Great Crested Fly- catcher, 2; Wood Pewee, 4; Chebec, 2; Blue Jay, 2; Crow, i; Cowbird, 3; Meadow- lark, 2; Orchard Oriole, 2; Baltimore Oriole, 6 adult, i young; Purple Finch, 2; Eng- lish Sparrow, 17; (joldfinch (American), 10; Grasshopper Sparrow, 4; Chipping Spar- row, 15; Field Sparrow, 5; Song Sparrow, 17; Chewink,2; Scarlet Tanager, i; Purple Martin, 6; Cedarbird, 6; Red-eyed V^ireo, 5; Yellow-throated Vireo, i; White-eyed Vireo, 2 and i young in nest ; Black and White Warbler, 4; Yellow Warbler, 6; Prairie Warbler, 3; Ovenbird, 2; Louisiana Waterthrush, 2; Maryland Yellow-throat, 5; American Redstart, 6; Catbird, 10; Brown Thrasher, 2; House Wren, 3; Wood Thrush, 9; Robin, 25. Total, 42 species, about 223 individuals.