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Notes from Field and Study

Victoria, B. C; Walter Kenrick Fisher, Stanford University, Cal.; James H. Flem- ing, Toronto, Can. ; Louis Agassiz Fiiertes, Ithaca, N. Y.; Manly Hardy, Brewer, Maine; Ralph Hoffmann, Belmont, Mass.; William Augustus Jeffries, Boston, Mass.; Rev. Herbert K. Job, Kent, Connecticut; Lynds Jones, Oberlin, Ohio; Prof. David Starr Jordan, Stanford University, Cal.; Sylvester D. Judd, Washington, D. C; George H. Mackay, Nantucket, Mass.; John W. Mailliard, San Francisco, Cal.; Joseph Mailliard, San Geronimo, Cal.; Richard C. McGregor, Palo Alto, Cal.; Gerrit Smith Miller, Jr., Washington, D. C; Mrs. Olive Thome Miller, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; John Murdoch, Roxbury, Mass. ; Harry C. Oberhoiser, Washington, D. C; Wilfred Hudson Osgood, Wash- ington, D. C. ; Charles J. Pennock, Ken- nett Square, Pa.; Edward A. Preble, Washington, D. C; William W. Price, Alta, Cal. ; Dr. William L. Ralph, Washington, D. C; Samuel N. Rhoads, Audubon, N. J.; Dr. William C. Rives, Washington, D. C. ; Capt. Wirt Robin- son, U. S. A., West Point, N. Y. ; Jewell D. Sornborger, Cambridge, Mass. ; Frank Stephens, San Diego, Cal.; Abbott H. Thayer, Scarborough, N. Y.; Ernest Thompson Seton, New York city; W. E. Clyde Todd, Beaver, Pa. ; Bradford Tor- rey, Wellesley Hills, Mass.; Charles H. Townsend, Washington, D.C.; Dr. Spen- cer Trotter, Swarthmore, Pa. ; Mrs. Mabel Osgood Wright, Fairfield, Conn. Eighty- theee Associates were elected. Program oi the Nineteenth Congress of the American Ornithologists' Union A list of the papers presented before the Nineteenth Congress of the American Orni- thologists' Union is appended. The reports of the committee on bird protection and of the expenditure of the Thayer Fund, tin- number and excellence of the lantern slides exhibited, particularly those shown i)y Mr. Job, were among the fi'.iturt-s ot fiie program. The Present (Jutlook for Stability in Nomen- clature. J. A. Allen. (15 min.) The Plumages of the American Goldfinch [Spitius tristis). Jonathan Dwight, Jr. (20 min.) Routes of Bird Migration across the Gulf of Mexico. W. W. Cooke. On Methods in Museum Bird Exhibits. Frank M. Chapman. (15 min.) Ornithological Notes from Northern New Hampshire. John N. Clark. (20 min.) Some Impressions of Texas Birds. Louis Agassiz Fuertes and H. C. Oberhoiser. (50 min.) The White-winged Crossbill in Captivity. James H. Hill. (10 min.) The American and European Herring Gulls. J. A. Allen. (10 min.) Auduboniana. Ruthven Deane. (15 min.) The Molts and Plumages of the North American Ducks (Anatidie) . Jonathan Dwight, Jr. (30 min.) Seven New Birds from the United States. E. A. Mearns. (20 min.) A Naturalist in Yucatan. Illustrated by lantern slides. E. W. Nelson. (45 min.) Photography in North Dakota Bird Colo- nies, et cetera. Illustrated by lantern slides. Herbert K. Job. (45 min.) A Reconnaissance in Manitoba and the Northwest. Illustrated by lantern slides. Frank M. Chapman. (45 min.) Are Hummingbirds Cypseloid orCapriniui- goid ? Hubert Lyman Clark. (5 min.) List of Birds of Wequetonsing, Mich. Otto Widmann. (10 min.) Notes on the Ornithological Observations of Peter Kalm. Spencer Trotter. (15 min.) Report of the Committee of the Protection of North American Birds. Witmer Stone. (15 nun.) Results Obtained Under tlie Thayer Fun<l. William Dutcher. (20 min.) National Bird Protection — Its Opportuni- ties and Limitations. T. S. Palmer. (25 min.) Gulls of the Maine Coast, and Miscella- neous Notes. Illustrated by lantern slides. Wm. Dutclier and Wm. L. Baily. (6g min.) Some Results ol Bird Protection. Illustrated liy lantern slides. Fr.iiik M. C'hapman. ( 15 min.)