Elliott Coues on Audubon II being great, had a certain largeness about him. He liked largeness in a physical, mechanical sense, as he strove for greatness in a moral, intel- lectual sense. He almost always used folio sheets of this character. This manuscript is almost complete, and quite in its original proportions, although sheets have been given to friends, and the family insisted upon my taking a few for myself; but, ladies and gentlemen, fellow members, ^yl^^^CJ^-^i^rJ (From a group photograph of the members attending the thirteenth congress of the American Ornithologists' Union in Washington. D. C, November. i8(;5.) you have bcforr you the original manuscript of Audubon's first ornitho- logical work. [Applause.] "Here rises an interesting question, a remarkable question: Where did Autlubon obtain the technical parts of his work? We know that he was slightly unsuitt-d for tin's part of his undertaking, for he was an American woodsman: he needed assistance in the technicalities of his
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