The Christmas Bird Census 31 Sparrow, i or 2 ; Jiinco, about 12; Song Sparrow, 2; Cardinal, 4; Northern Shrike, i; Brown Creeper, 2; Tufted Titmouse, 2; Chickadee, 2; Golden-crowned Kinglet, 2 or 3 ; Bluebird, 3. Total, 17 species. — Anxa A. Mickle. NEWFIELD, N. J. Time, 9 A. M. to 12.30 p. m. Cloudy, clearing at 10 A. .M.; wind, northwest, light; temp., 35°. Bob-White, i; Downy Woodpecker (heard) ; Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 2 ; Crow, i; Blue Jay, 2; American Goldfinch, 5; Tree Sparrow, 25; Junco, 25; Song Sparrow, 2; Golden -crowned Kinglet (heard).— Mary R. Pascham,. NESHAMINY CREEK AND UPPER DELAWARE RIVER ABOVE PHILADELPHIA Time, four hours. Sparrow Hawk, i ; Downy Woodpecker, i ; Crow, immense flocks; Fish Crow, flocks; Tree Sparrow, 25; Song Sparrow, 3; Golden-crowned Kinglet, i; Chickadee, i; Blue- bird, 4. — H. W. Fowler. DELAWARE RIVER MEADOWS. TINICUM TOWNSHIP, DELAWARE CO., PA. Time, one and a half hours in the morning. American Herring Gull, 2; Red-tailed Hawk, 6; Red-sliouitlered Hawk, i; Crow, 100; Meadowlark, 4; American Goldfinch, 25; Junco, 6; Tree Sparrow, 50; Song Sparrow, 6; Swamp Sparrow, i. Total, 10 species, 201 individuals. — Witmer Sto.e. GERMANTOWN, PA. Time, 11.30 a. m. to i p. m. Clear; temp., 50°. Downy Woodpecker, 2; Crow, 4; White-throated Sparrow, abundant; Junco, 7 or S; Song Sparrow, abundant; Cardinal, 2; Winter Wren, i; White-breasted Nuthatch, 2; (Jolden -crowned Kinglet, 3 or 4; Robin, 2. On December 23, a number of American Crossbills were seen. — C. B. I'homi'SON iind H. JiSTiCE. WYNCOTE, PA. Time, 8.20 a. m. to 11.30 a. m. Clear; wind, west, but very light; temp., 30°. Red-tailed Hawk, 3; Red-shouldered Hawk, i; Sparrow Hawk, 4; Hairy Wood- pecker, i; Downy Woodpecker, i; Flicker, i; Crow, about 1,000; .American CJold- iinch, 3; Tree Sparrow, one Hock of 25; Junco, about 100; Song Sparrow, i; NN'inter Wren, i. Total, 11 species, about 1,140 individuals. — Sa.mlei, H. Barker. FAIR.MOUN'T PARK, JMIILADELi'lIlA Time, one-half an hour. Flicker, 3; Crow, 12; Junco, 25; White-throated Sparrow, 6; Tree Sparroxv, 25; Song Sparrow, 2; Carilinal, 6; Robin, 6. Total, 8 species, 85 individuals. — Dr. J. F. Prendercast. ORERLIX, OHIO 'Time, 6.30 A. M. to 10 a. m. Chtudv, occasional snowriakcs, increasing to con- siderable storm at noon; wind, west by south, light to brisk; temp., 28 . Red-shouUiered Hawk, r; S|)arrow Hawk. 1; Hairv Woodpecker, i; Down> Woodpecker, 6; Flicker, 2; Hiue Jav, U; Crow, 4; Purple Finch, 14; Junco, 3; i'ree Sparrow, 40; Song Sparrow, 2; Cardinal. 1; Wliite-breasteti Nuthatch, 14; Chickadee. 8. I'otal, 14 species, 103 indiiduals. December 24, Bluebirds and Hron/ed (Jrackles sang 111 mv varil, and a Tufted 'Tltmou>e was seen just out ot town. — !,M)s Jom s.
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