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thin: = lure

March - April. 1902


GENERAL ARTICLES mm; hum: ilTItnunk (mme ,. t . . ,. , . . . .. ...i .. .. i.. 42 \‘um »\ \.l,\sll Aims”. lllueuau‘d . t . . . . . .lmmum [0:11:10 43 Hun Cum w .m um ll. 'l‘m: [JUAN/ARE Vaum CLLH ihm , \‘mmm/ ,\' Murmur 57

Hunk.“ him I. . . . . , . . . t . . . t . . Jun/I: JI 71mm”. a;


How to Nul me mene. llhhlruk—d. ’l‘iiiul paper \\ m1 ism; “- u 3 llluslmlion . . . . in.» w» Nu unsnmn hulls awn).

.1» out» out Chap/mm , o2 . . . . . e . $5 an


.Vh l‘mUt-‘Iillzns , . . . .

07 BUOKNEWSANDREVIEWSH .. . . . . . ,,bs P|~.Aksu.\"> 'Sm-ms 0F Hm: Lin > LUMP: 'A lesx Mum; Krux 1E iiutm m»- (mews

AND \VAsnINnToN'; "VILD km): 25’ Cm l’wus'; Tut: omimmutncni. MAGAZm Bum; N ws. EDITORIAL. . V . . . . . . , .

AUDUBONDEPARTMENT . . . . ., .. . V . . . .V i V. .. .. ...7|

Emittle : Ithwm w limmex or CUIJMM\ 5m:


a. .‘I‘uuul'li‘filx mi “tat /m poll/11.12191, (mm, m” 1;» [mi-w, hm! Lift/mnng would b: m: in the lid/2m u! ng’le’u‘iwd, A‘m' jmar.


amnion: is published on the first of everv other month by lllc Macmillan Cu..:|k Crescent auil Mulliqu Mun—H, Hnrrlshllrg. im,,whe.-et.|1 nolirc: ur Chang: 0| white 5, eie.,shuu1d he :em.

Suhsnribers whose subscription expires with the present issue i 11 mm 1| properly dalenl renew blank m the"- magazine In the m'elll m u deme no. lo renew. me publlsheus would gre n, .ippleciuh: ;. poem [0 tqu flk‘fl.

ufTo subscribers whose subscription expired with the issue for Fehruary. x902. antl who have he )‘L'l ehher uene ed their suhsmptmn . n' in response hi our iaqutsl,>ein us 3 notice (0 discuu-

mine I elr on me. ||_Ie or en uumher se the helmf um lhe mzulcl' of renewal has been knelluuketl. \\e [um H mm ow receive pm pl .uuuiwn

Cumplete sets of Volumes I, II and “I of 'Bird-Lore‘ Gill still h: supvlied.

Volume 1 contains 206 pages. with 79 illustrations; Volume II. 204 mazes, with so illus— trnrions: Volume III, 228 wages, with 91 lllusn‘ltlons. or a total of 638 page: (equivalent ‘0 about 1,200 pages of the average Izmo buck), mm 25: illustntions.

Every numher at ‘sird-Lore' is as remain: and vain-me today as when it wm ‘ilsned. no no birgrlover who IS not nirenuv supulied can find n hetter investment th-n hack vol- nine: of thrs_rnaeazine. V015,! and III are offered at me snhscriptinn nrice oi 51 such. post- peih; the price oi Vol. 11 is sz.

BI Rn e Luu l’flsxr u,

' hl hleuiinuuiuu Blnlvk’ wiih cm: of \ht- lit-ml: oi lhr lending fmxlilics or

.n nuniue him \\-i|h the \uzuh’ named, uh'. .n he “M Iltd min. the J. llurare McFarland romping, flux 5. 5, "All'idiuiu, m, |‘n a to he poaumul.

Flume-ti :u ci-rumlrr'lnw ule mum-r m Hu- Pmt (ll'fice at‘Hurtiel-ure, l’n.