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i&trti-lore July -August, 1906 CONTENTS GENERAL ARTICLES page Frontispiece — Olive, Lucy and Virginia Warblers .... Louis Agassiz Fuertes . A Kingbird Family. Illustrated A. D. Whedon . 117 My Experience With a Blue-headed Vireo Emily R. Lyman . 123 Towhee and Young. Illustration R . H. Beebe . 124 Nests of the Cassique. Illustration 125 A Bit of Robin History. Illustrated .... Eugenia Chapman Gillette . 126 Not of a Feather. Verse Florence A. Van Sant . 130 Young Bank Swallows. Illustration J. H. Miller 130 The Yellow-breasted Chat. Illustrated P. A. Taverner . 131 FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS The Migration of Warblers Seventeenth Paper. Illustrated by Louis Agassiz Fuertes and Bruce Horsfall . .... II'. II'. Cooke 134 Nest of Blue-winged Teal, Covered and Uncovered. Illustration .... F. M. C . 135 NOTES FROM FIELD AND STUDY .... ... .... 136 'Nothing New Under the Sun,' illustrated. Witmer Stone: A Little Black Rail in Massachusetts, Stanley Cobb; Martins and English Sparrows, A. IV. Honywill;. Do Snakes Charm Birds?, J. Parsons Schaeffer ; Photographing a Red-Tailed Hawk's Nest, Wilbur F. Smith ; Notes from Plainfield, New Jersey, 11'. DeW. Miller. BOOK NEWS AND REVIEWS 139 EDITORIAL 141 AUDUBON DEPARTMENT 142 EDUCATIONAL LEAFLET NO. 21. Scarlet Tanager. With Colored Plate 147

      • Manuscripts intended for publication, books, etc.. for review and exchanges should be

sent to the Editor, at the American Museum of Natural History, yjth Street and 8th Avenue, New York Citv. N Y Subscribers whose subscription has expired will find a renewal blank enclosed in the present num- ber of the magazine. On receipt of your renewal we will send you the Seton Bob-white picture, which should be consid- ered due notification of the entry of your subscription. If you do not care to renew, will you please notify us. Reduced facsimile of the reproduction of Ernest Thompson Seton's drawing of the Bob- white. Presented to every subscriber to Vol. VIII, 1906, of Bird-Lore. The original, printed on heavy plate paper, suitable for framing, is nearly life-size. Entered as second-class mail matter in the Post Office at Harrisburg, Pa.