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THE CONDOR A M ag azine of Western Ornithology Edited by J. GRINNELL THE CONDOR begins, with 1907, its NINTH volume. A special feature for this volume includes a continuation of the series of remarkable photographs of wild birds by H. T. Bohlman and W. L. Finley. SPECIAL OFFER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS.— By arrangement with Messrs. Finley and Bohlman, THE CONDOR is enabled to offer to any one sending $1 for a year's subscription, and mentioning this offer, a 5 x 7-inch, unmounted, copyrighted photograph of bird-life. OR, will send the November, 1906, number, containing the first of the series of the CALIFORNIA CONDOR, PHOTOGRAPHED FROM LIFE, and Volume IX complete, for $1. Subscription, I year, 6 numbers, $1.00. Sample copy, 20 cents. H. T. CLIFTON, Business Manager, P. O. Box 404, Pasadena, Cal. JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGY The nineteenth volume of the Journal of Pedagogy began with the September (1906) issue. During the last year a lart'e number of noteworthy contributions to pedagogical literature have been published in this magazine. The following are some of the contributions appearing in the Journal of Pedagogy the past year: Levels of Development in Relation to Education. Professor George E. Daw- son, Mt. Holyoke College Arethe Present Methods of Admission to College Satisfactory or Fair? Dr D. O. S. Lowell, Roxbury Latin School. The Will of Educational Discussion. Dr. VVm J. Taylor, Brooklyn Training School for Teachers What Children do Read and What They Ought to Read President G. Stanley Hall, Clark University. An Experiment in Teaching History. Lotta A. Clark, Charlestown High School, Boston. The High School Civic Spirit. Principal William Orr, High School, Springfield, Mass. The Significance of Motor Activity in Primary' Education. Dr. Will Grant Chambers, Colorado State Normal School. Consular Science in Belgium. Professor Will S. Monroe, Westfield Normal School Play as an Educational Factor. Dr. L. Seeley, New Jersey State Normal School. The Influence of Recent Economic and Social Changes Upon Educa- tional Aims. Ideals and Methods. Dr. Frank T. Carlton, University of Wisconsin. The Educational Outlook. Dr. William E. Chancellor. Superintendent of Schools, Washington, D C. The Preceptorial System at Princeton University. Dr. John Grier Hibben, Princeton University. The American College Girl's Igno- rance of Literature. Lucy B Moody, Allegheny High School. What Do Students Know About Ameri- can Government Before Taking Col- lege Courses in Political Science? Dr. W. A. Shaper, University of Minnesota. If you are not acquainted with the Journal of Pedagogy, a copy will be gladly sent at your suggestion JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGY, Syracuse, N. Y. J. Horace McFarland Co., Printers, Harrisburg, Pa.