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INDEX TO ARTICLES IN VOLUME VII BY AUTHORS Abbott, Clinton G. See Crosby, Maunsell S. Abbott, Miss Elizabeth, Secretary, report of, 267. Achilles, Laurence, Nesting of the Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker in the Adiron- dacks, 158. Alexander, Charles P., Christmas Bird Census, 18. Allen, J. C, Shoot the Evictor, 68. Arnold, Clarence M., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 16; and Feely, A., Christmas Bird Census, 16. Arnold, W. W., M.D., Western House Wren's Nest, 172. Austin, J. M., Christmas Bird Census, 25. Bailey, Cornelia E., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 21. Baker, John H. See Eliot, Samuel A., Jr. Batchelder, Mrs. F. W., Secretary, report of, 263. Baxter, M., Carpenter, Miss, and Coffin, Mr. and Mrs. P. B., Christmas Bird Census, 25. Beck, Herbert H., Christmas Bird Census, 21. Beebe, R. H., Photograph by, 124. Beebe, C. William, Legs and Feet of Birds, 51. Bennett, F. M., Stray Birds at Sea, 89. Beyer, Geo. E., Christmas Bird Census, 21 . Blake, Francis G. and Maurice C, Christmas Bird Census, 17. Blanchard, George G., Christmas Bird Census, 14. Bliss, Lucy B. See Hodgman, Edith M. Bole, Marion, My Chickadee Family, 6. Borgen, Nels. See Phillips, Charles. Bosson, C, Christmas Bird Census, 16. Bowdish, B. S., Bird Tragedies, 208. Brennan, Charles F., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 23. Brooks, Allan, Christmas Bird Census, 25. Brown, Edwin C, Christmas Bird Census, 24. Brown, Frank A., The Amount of Science in Oology, 205. Brown, Nathan C, A Familiar Sparrow Hawk, 48. Bruen, Frank. See Ford, R. W. Brumbaugh, C. L., President, report of, 271. Butler, Jefferson, Secretary, report of, 261. Calvert, E. W., Christmas Bird Census, 14. Carpenter, Miss. See Baxter, M. Carson, Alma, Secretary, report of, 268. Case, Bert F., An Experience in Tree-top Photography, 1. Caskey, R. C, Christmas Bird Census, 20. Caton, William P., M.D., Baltimore Oriole in Virginia in Winter, 173. Chapman, Frank M., Reviews by, 30, 31, 32, 69, 174, 176, 177, 178, 212, 213; Editorials by, 33, 71, 108, 141; Photo- graphs by, 91, 135; Bird-Lore's Sixth Christmas Bird Census, 206. Cheever, W. H. See Mitchell, I. N. Cobb, Anna E., Christmas Bird Census, 16. Cobb, Stanley, A Little Black Rail in Massachusetts, 136. Coffin, Lucy V. B., A Tragedy, 68. Coffin, P B. See Baxter, M. Cooke, W. W., The Migration of Warb- lers, 26, 61, 100, 134, 168, 203. Crosby, Maunsell S., and Abbott, Clinton G., Christmas Bird Census, 18. Cushing, Milton L., Dillon, F. N., and Hubbard, Geo. F., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 15. Davis, M. B., Secretary, report of, 78, 272. Day, Nellie M., Christmas Bird Census, 17. Dean, R. H., and Dodge, V. K., Christ- mas Bird Census, 22. Dillon, F. N. See Cushing, Milton L. Dodge, V. K. See Dean, R. H. Drew, Emma E., Christmas Bird Census, Drummond, Miss Mary, Secretary, report of, 255. Dunham, Lewis. See Leonard, Mortimer D Dunnavan, Frank, and Olmstead, Rett. E., Christmas Bird Census, 23. Dutcher, William, Editorials by, 34, 72, 75, 76, 78, 109, 142, 146, 179, 180; The Cardinal, 39; The Belted Kingfisher, 79; The Rosebreasted Grosbeak, 113; The Scarlet Tanager, 147; The Blue Jay, 181 ; Annual Report of the National Association of Audubon Societies, 225 ; Remarkable Flight of Red-breasted Nut- hatches, 209. Dwight, Jonathan, Jr., Reviews by, 30, 106, 213. Ehinger, C. E. See Jackson, Thomas. Eliot, Samuel L.,Jr., and Baker, John H., Christmas Bird Census, 15. Evans, William B., Christmas Bird Cen- sus, 20. Fair, William W., Christmas Bird Census, 20.