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Ambition, a strange, 323

Animals, Memory of, as compared with that of man, 107, 108

— Wild, not appreciated, 138, 139

— Philistine nomenclature of, 152–4

— Sensuous pleasures of, underestimated, 252

— Happiness of, as compared with that of savages, 256, 257

— Choice of, in regard to one another a necessity, 281–3

— Cries of, false value often attached to, 306, 307

— Minds of some people in strange state about, 307

— Wild, hearts of, seldom explored, 323

— Have no rights, 348

Appeal against God, an, 333

Arctic Skua, Persecution of terns by, 9–13; not always successful in chase of, 10

— Suggested origin of piracy practised by, 11, 12

— Threatened attack of, rarely made, 10; possible reason of this, 10, 11

— Does not hawk at fish, 9

— Baffled by rock-pipit, 10, 160

— Will leave fish that drops on the sea, 11, 12

— May be pirate or highwayman, 13; possible process of differentiation in this respect, 13

— Loves brigandage, 14: and plays at it, 14

— Wild cry of, 14, 161, 162

— Grace, beauty, etc., of, 14

— Variety of coloration exhibited by, 15–25

— Description of fifteen differently coloured forms of, 15–20

Arctic Skua, Is multimorphic rather than dimorphic, 21

— Young resembles the great skua in plumage, 22; and also in wanting the lance-like feathers of the tail, 22, 23; these facts probably due to sexual selection, 22–5

— Might knock one's hat off under certain circumstances, 94, 151

— Puffin robbed by, 133

— Its absurd prenomen, 152

— Bathing habits of, 160, 161

— Chases ravens, 191; its different cry whilst so doing, 191

— Black guillemot robbed by, 302, 303

— Piracies of, may be turned to account by herring-gull, 302, 303


Bacon in frying-pan, companionship afforded by, 3

Bathing, Possible passing of, into an antic in some aquatic birds, 199–201

Bats, Aerial performances of, 134; compared with those of swifts, 134

Birds, Possible loss and reacquirement of the power of flight by some, 7

— "Of a feather flock together," 7

— Segregation of the sexes of, in, 7

— British, process of change and differentiation of, in, 44; advantage of collecting evidence in regard to this, 44, 46

— Possible origin of some antics in, 70, 71

— Sometimes very rude, 173

— Want of uniformity in the actions of, 174

Black Guillemot, Breeds in the Shetlands, 57