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aeolian harp strung in the trees. “Uoli,” he begins, and after pausing continues, “Aeolee-leé” (the last syllable having the harp quality), “Uoli-uoli—aeolee-lee.” First softly, then modulating, reiterating sometimes for an hour together; but compassing in these few syllables the whole range of pure emotion.

The Wood Thrush is called shy by many writers, but here in Connecticut it is both abundant and sociable, feeding about the lawn in company with Robins, though it keeps more in shelter, skirting the shrubbery, as it scratches. Two pairs nested last season in the spruces below the lawn. Their nests so closely resemble the best efforts of the Robin, and the eggs being of a like colour, that I had mistaken them until I saw the Thrushes in possession. These nests were made wholly of sticks, and lined thinly with clay, but two others that I found in the woods showed more varied materials. One was placed, some six feet from the ground, in a cedar bush close to a pool. The mud used to line the nest was full of Sphagnum, and of the water-soaked seed vessels of the sweet-pepper bush, which, mingled with dry beech leaves, made the nest very picturesque, while the mud was barely visible through the bedding of the runners of Potentilla, to whose stems some identifying leaves still clung.

The second nest was in a laurel bush on the top of high rocks in Samp—Mortar Woods. It was beautifully stuccoed with lichens and lined with the hair-like roots that cover the surface of leaf mould.

The Wood Thrush builds the middle or last of May, and as it comes often the very first day of the month and continues singing well into July, it gives us a goodly season of song. Wood Robin is one of its local names, but this is used, somewhat at random, for other Thrushes.

Wilson’s Thrush; Veery: Turdus fuscescens.


7—7.50 inches. Bowman
Male and Female:

No eye ring. Above evenly olive-brown, with a tawny cast. Throat buff, necked on the sides with fine arrow-