Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/120

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feet dusky (bluish gray or grayish bдгe in life); length (skins), 132-160 (148); wing, 61.5-71.5 (67.8); tail, 62.5-71 (67.1); culmen, 15.5-19 (17.4); tarsus, 22-24.5 (23.5); middle toe, 12-15 (13.4).[1]

Immature male. — Similar to the adult male but black less intense (more or less tinged with slate color), throat broadly streaked with whitish, and (sometimes) chest and breast very narrowly streaked with white; mandible pale horn color (in dried skins).

Adult female. — Above plain slate color, the wings and tail marked with white, as in adult male; chin and throat mixed black and white; chest (except laterally) slate-black; breast (except laterally) black, irregularly streaked or otherwise marked with white; rest of underparts (including sides of chest and breast), plain slate-gray, tinged with olive posteriorly; maxilla brownish black with paler tomia; mandible dull whitish (in dried skin); legs and feet horn color (bluish gray in life?); length (skin), 132-145 (138); wing, 60.5-63 (61.6); tail, 52.5-64 (60); culmen, 16-17 (16.5); tarsus, 22-24 (22.8); middle toe, 12-14 (13.1).[2]

Eastern Panamá (Lion Hill; Paraiso Station; Panamá; Sabana de Panamá; San Miguél Island), through Colombia (Remédios, Antioquía; Santa Marta; Bucaramanga; Bogotá; Rio Cauca) to western Ecuadór (Babahoyo; Esmeraldas; Balzár Mountains; Pambilár; Chimbo), Venezuela (Altagracia) and Trinidád.

Cercomacra nigricans Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1858, 245 (Santa Marta, Colombia; coll. P. L. Sclater); Cat. Am. Birds, 1862, 184 (Bogotá and Santa Marta, Colombia; Bababoyo, Ecuadór); Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xv, 1890, 267 (Paraiso Station, Panamá; Santa Marta, Remédies, Bogotá, and Bucaramanga, Colombia; Balzár Mts. Santa Rita, Babahoyo, and Esmeraldas, w. Ecuadór). — Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, 526 (Antioquía, Colombia). — Berlepsch, Journ. für Orn., 1884, 308 (Bucaramanga, Colombia). — Taczanowski and Berlepsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1885, 100 (Ecuadór). — Salvin and Godman, Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, ii, 1892, 215 (Lion Hill and Paraiso Station, Panamá; Ecuadór; Venezuela; Trinidád; etc.). — Berlepsch and Hartert, Novit. Zool., ix, 1892, 76 (Altagracia, Venezuela; crit.), 612 (Pambilár, n. w. Ecuadór). — Thayer and Bangs,

  1. Seventeen specimens.
  2. Ten specimens.
    Locality. Wing. Tail. Culmen. Tarsus. Middle
    Seven adult males from eastern Panamá (mainland) 66.6 65.9 17.4 23.3 13.5
    Seven adult males from San Miguél Island, Panamá 68.4 68 17.7 23.4 13.1
    Three adult males from Colombia 70 67.7 16.8 24 13.8
    Two adult females from eastern Panamá (mainland) 61.2 60 17 23.5 13.7
    Seven adult females from San Miguél Island, Panamá 61.9 61.1 16.4 22.6 13
    One adult female from Colombia 60.5 52.5 16.5 - -