Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/160

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Adults {sexes alike). — Above plain chestnut-brown or vandyke brown, the forehead, lores, and sides of occiput slate color or slate- gray, the hindneck partly the same color; malar, suborbital, and auricular regions black; sides of neck and thence to flanks (broadly) lighter brown (prouts brown to nearly sepia), sometimes with indistinct dusky spots or streaks along outer edge, especially on sides of neck; chin, throat, chest, breast, and abdomen immaculate white; under tail-coverts brown (like flanks), tipped or margined with whitish or buffy; maxilla blackish, paler (sometimes dull whitish in dried skins) terminally and along tomium; mandible dull whitish or pale dull yellowish (in dried skins), darker basally; legs and feet horn color (in dried skins).

Adult male. — Length (skins), 136-139 (138); wing, 74.5-79.5 (76.8); tail, 45.5-52 (47.8); culmen, 18.5-20.5 (19.5); tarsus, 27-28.5 (27.7); middle toe, 17.5-19 (18.2).[1]

Adult female. — Length, (skins), 125-126 (125.5);[2] wing, 73-74 (73.5);[2] tail, 47-47.5 (47.2);[2] culmen, 18.5;[3] tarsus, 26.5;[3] middle toe, 17.[3]

Panamá (Lion Hill; Chepo; Paraiso; Panamá; Cascajál, Coclé; Santa Fé de Verágua).

Pithys leucaspis (not Myrmeciza leucaspis Sclater) Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. N. Y., vii, 1862, 326 (Lion Hill, Panamá).
Pithys bicolor Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. Nat. Hist. N. Y., vii, 1862, 484 (Lion Hill Station, Panamá Railway; coll. G. N. Lawrence); viii, 1867, 6 (Lion Hill). — Sclater and Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, 357 (Lion Hill). — Salvin, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, 145 (Santa Fé de Verágua, Panamá). — Sclater, Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xv, 1890, 296, part (Panamá, Chepo, and Santa Fé de Verágua, Panamá).
[Pithys] bicolor Sclater and Salvin, Nom. Av. Neotr., 1873, 74, part (Panamá).
Gymnopithys bicolor Salvin and Godman, Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, ii, 1892, 221 (Santa Fé de Verágua, Lion Hill Station, Paraiso Station, and Chepo, Panamá).
[Gymnopithys] bicolor Sharpe, Hand-list, iii, 1901, 30, part (Panamá).



Similar to A. bicolor, but pileum and hindneck wholly chestnut- brown, like rest of upper parts.

Adults (sexes alike). — Above plain chestnut-brown (prouts brown to vandyke brown or even nearly burnt-umber), including entire pileum and hindneck; narrow line immediately above bare orbital region, suborbital region, auricular region, and malar region black; sides of neck

and thence (broadly) to flanks plain brown (varying from olive-brown

  1. Three specimens.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Two specimens.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 One specimen.