Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/201

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obsolete); hindneck, back, scapulars, and lesser wing-coverts plain cinnamon-brown or between russet and raw-umber; lower rump, upper tail-coverts, and greater part of tail clear cinnamon-rufous; fourth and fifth rectrices (from outside), greater part of inner web of third rectrix, and basal portion of inner web of second, black, the inner web of outermost rectrix usually with a dusky spot at extreme base; wing-coverts russet-brown, the inner webs of greater coverts dusky; primary coverts dull black or dusky at base (narrowly) and tip (broadly), the middle portion (broadly) russet-brown; secondaries dull cinnamon-rufous with a large subterminal area of black (mostly concealed in the closed wing), the basal portion of inner web (extensively) ochraceous-buff; proximal (shorter) primaries dull black, tipped (more or less broadly and distinctly) with cinnamon-brown, crossed obliquely on the middle portion by a broad band of clear cinnamon-rufous; distal (longer) primaries dusky, their inner webs with a broad median area of ochraceous-buff, except on two or three outermost quills, the outer webs of which are mostly light russet- brown; a narrow supra-auricular streak of brownish buff; loral region mostly dark brownish; malar, suborbital, and auricular regions dark brown (much like pileum), narrowly and indistinctly streaked with paler; a conspicuous subauricular streak of white; chin and throat pale brownish buffy (sometimes nearly buffy white on chin), the throat indistinctly flammulated with pale buffy brown, at least on lower portion; rest of under parts plain light brown (varying from buffy hair brown to isabella color), tinged, more or less strongly, with pale russet-brown posteriorly; under wing-coverts ochraceous-buff; maxilla dusky, the lower-basal portion paler; mandible pale horn color or duU whitish (in dried skins) becoming darker on upper or terminal portions; iris brown; legs and feet dark horn color (in dried skins).

Young. — Similar in coloration to adults but dusky on basal portion of inner webs of lateral rectrices more extensive and texture of plumage different.

Adult male. — Length, (skins), 108-125 (117); wing, 58.5-67.5 (64.2); tail, 43.5-53 (48.9); culmen, 12-14.5 (13.1); tarsus, 14-15.5 (14.7); middle toe, 11.5-13 (12).[1]

  1. Twenty-four specimens.