Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/22

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  1. Genus 49. Selasphorus — Continued. Page.
  2. 146. Selasphorus torridus 602
  3. 147. Selasphorus ardens (Salvin) 604
  4. 148. Selasphorus simoni Carriker 606
  5. 149. Selasphorus scintilla (Gould) 607
  6. 150. Selasphorus alleni Henshaw 609
  7. 151. Selasphorus rufus (Gmelin) 612
  8. 152. Selasphorus floresii Gould 616
  9. Genus 50. Calypte Gould 618
  10. Key to the Species of Calypte 619
  11. 152. Calypte anna (Lesson) 619
  12. 153. Calypte costæ (Bourcier) 623
  13. 154. Calypte helenæ (Lembeye) 625
  14. Genus 51. Archilochus Reichenbach 627
  15. Key to the Species of Archilochus 628
  16. 155. Archilochus colubris (Linnaeus) 629
  17. 156. Archilochus alexandri (Bourcier and Mulsant) 633
  18. 157. Archilochus violajugulum (Jeffries) 636
  19. Genus 52. Tilmatura Reichenbach 637
  20. 158. Tilmatura dupontii (Lesson) 638
  21. Genus 53. Nesophlox Ridgway 639
  22. Key to the Species of Nesophlox 640
  23. 159. Nesophlox evelynæ (Bourcier) 641
  24. 160. Nesophlox lyrura (Gould) 643
  25. 161. Nesophlox bryantæ (Lawrence) 645
  26. Genus 54. Doricha Reichenbach 647
  27. Key to the Species of Doricha 648
  28. 162. Doricha enicura (Vieillot) 648
  29. 163. Doricha eliza (Lesson and Delattre) 650
  30. Genus 55. Calothorax Gray 651
  31. Key to the Species of Calothorax 652
  32. 164. Calothorax lucifer (Swainson) 652
  33. 165. Calothorax pulcher (Gould) 655
  34. Genus 56. Orthorhyncus Lacépède 656
  35. Key to the Species and Subspecies of Orthorhyncus 657
  36. 166. Orthorhyncus exilis exilis (Gmelin) 658
  37. 167. Orthorhyncus exilis ornatus (Gould) 661
  38. 168. Orthorhyncus cristatus cristatus (Linnæus) 662
  39. 169. Orthorhyncus cristatus emigrans (Lawrence) 664
  40. Genus 57. Chrysolampis Boie 665
  41. 170. Chrysolampis mosquitus (Linnæus) 666
  42. Genus 58. Lophornis Lesson 669
  43. Key to the Species of Lophornis 670
  44. 171. Lophornis delattrei (Lesson) 671
  45. 172. Lophornis helenæ (Delattre) 673
  46. 173. Lophornis adorabilis Salvin 675
  47. Genus 59. Popelairia Reichenbach 676
  48. Key to the Species and Subspecies of Popelairia 678
  49. 174. Popelairia conversii æquatorialis Berlepsch and Taczanowski 679
  50. Superfamily Micropodii 681
  51. Key to the Families of Micropodii 682
  52. Family Micropodidæ 683
  53. Key to the Genera of Micropodidæ 685
  54. Genus 1. Aëronautes Hartert 687
  55. 1. Aëronautes melanoleucus (Baird) 687