Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/225

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shorter; hallux about as long as inner toe but much stouter; basal phalanx of middle toe wholly united to outer toe, united for most, if not the whole, of its length to inner toe ; claws large and strong, acute, that of the hallux nearly as long as the digit.

Coloration. — Tawny or rufescent brown above, the rump, upper tail- coverts, and tail cinnamon-rufous; wings sometimes partly black; pileum and hindneck (sometimes back also) streaked; chin, throat, and tuft on sides of neck white or buff; under parts of body tawny or light ocher-brownish, the chest more or less distinctly flammulated or squamated.

Nidification. — Nests placed in holes of trees; eggs white. Range. — Costa Rica to Peru and Bolivia. (Three species.)[1]


a. Neck-tufts white; primaries and wing-coverts rusty brown. (Colombia to Ecuadór, Peru, and Bolivia)

Pseudocolaptes boissonneautii (extralimital).[2]

aa. Neck-tufts buff; primaries and wing-coverts brownish black. (Costa Rica and western Panamá)

Pseudocolaptes lawrencii (p. 197).



Adults (sexes alike). — Pileum with feathers dusky basally and laterally (and sometimes on terminal margin), the mesial and terminal or subterminal portions light brown, with a narrow shaft-streak of paler (buffy or buffy whitish); hind-neck similarly marked but with the pale mesial streaks much broader; back and scapulars tawny-brown or russet, the feathers usually with narrow and mostly indistinct terminal margins of dusky; rump and upper tail-coverts plain rufous-tawny, the tail clear cinnamon-rufous, with shafts of rectrices chestnut; lesser wing-coverts tawny-brown or russet, dusky centrally (this mostly concealed); middle and greater coverts black or brownish black, tipped with tawny-buff or ochraceous; secondaries plain tawny-brown or russet, the distal ones passing into black basally; primaries grayish brown, the shorter (proximal) ones more blackish; lores dusky grayish brown; auricular region blackish brown or dusky, narrowly streaked with dull whitish or buffy, margined above by a narrow (usually indistinct) supercillary and supra-auricular

streak of dull buffy or whitish; chin, throat, and malar region immaculate

  1. I have not seen P. flavescens Berlepsch and Stolzmann, from central Peru.
  2. Anabates boissonneautii Lafresnaye, Rev. Zool., iii, Apr., 1840, 104 (Bogotá, Colombia; coll. A. Boissonneau). — Ph[ilydor] boissoneautii Reichenbach, Handb. Spec. Orn., 1853, 200. — O[tipne] boissonneaui Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., ii, Aug., 1859, 30 (Caracas, Venezuela). — Pseudocolaptes boissoneauti Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, 88 (Puellaro, Ecuadór); Cat. Birds Brit. Mus., xv, 1890, 78, excl. syn. part. — Anabates auritus Tschudi, Wiegm. Archiv für Naturg., xiii, pt. i, 1844, 294; Fauna Peruana, Aves, 1845, 239. — P[seudocolaptes] semicinnamomeus Reichenbach, Handb. Spec. Orn., 1853, 210 (Bogotá).