Page:Birds of North and Middle America partV Ridgway.djvu/41

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f. Tail much shorter than wing (not more than three-fourths as long, usually much less).
g. Tail little if any more than half (sometimes much less than half) as long as wing.
h. Bill small and very slender, the exposed culmen shorter than middle toe without claw

Rhopias (extralimital).[1]

hh. Bill larger and stouter, the exposed culmen longer than middle toe without claw.
i. Planta tarsi scutellate on each side; maxilla slightly decurved terminally; gonydeal angle very slight; plumage streaked; no white band across rump

Myrmotherula (p. 60.)

ii. Planta tarsi scutellate on posterior portion of outer side only; maxilla straight throughout (only the extreme tip decurved); gonydeal angle prominent; plumage spotted; a white band across rump

Dichrozona (extralimital).[2]

gg. Tail much more than half to more than two-thirds as long as wing.

Myrmopagis (p. 65).

f. Tail nearly as long as wing, sometimes longer.
g. Nostril slit-like, much narrower than the broad operculum; tarsus nearly half as long as wing. (Rectrices 10.)
h. Rictal bristles obsolete; feathers of chin and forehead without trace of terminal setæ; tarsus much less than twice as long as middle toe without claw, the plantar scutella very distinct on both sides.

Rhoporchilus (extralimital).[3]

hh. Rictal bristles obvious (though small); feathers of chin and forehead with distinct terminal setæ; tarsus twice as long as middle toe without claw, the plantar scutella indistinct (especially on inner side)

Myrmorchilus (extralimital).[4]

gg. Nostril broadly oval, much broader than the narrow (sometimes obsolete) operculum; tarsus less than half as long as wing.
h. Rectrices 12.
i. Pileum not black, or else back and rump also black; back, scapulars, and rump brownish slate, brown, rufescent, or black, concolor with pileum; adult male with at least chin, throat, chest, and part of breast black

Microrhopias (p. 75).

ii. Pileum (in adult male) black, conspicuously contrasted with bluish gray of back, scapulars, and rump; chin and throat

  1. Rhopias Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., ii, 1859, 13. Type, Thamnophilus gularis Spix. (Southeastern Brazil; monotypic?) [Possibly Myrmothera guttata Vieillot (Myrmotherula guttata Sclater), of Cayenne and Guiana, may be congeneric, but I have not been able to examine that species.]
  2. Dichrozona Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, sig. 33, Aug. 6, 1888, 524, footnote. Type, D. zononota Ridgway = Cyphorinus (Microcerculus) cinctus Pelzeln.
  3. Rhoporchilus Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash, xxii, April 17, 1909, 69. Type, Formicivora speciosa Salvin. (Western Ecuador; monotypic.) The type species has been placed in both "Formicivora" (Drymophila) and Synallaxis, but is very distinct from either.
  4. Myrmorchilus Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., xxii, April 17, 1909, 69. Type, Myiothera strigilata Maximilian. (Southeastern Brazil; monotypic.)